Podcast #10: Epilogue

ico Esther Didden

  • podcast

Speaking were Paul Keizer of Space Cowboys (#1), Melle Smets of House of the Future (#2), Harpo 't Hart of Embassy of the North Sea (#3), Tirzo Martha (#6), Sjaak Langenberg (#8) and Elke Uitentuis of We sell reality (#9). Unfortunately, the other artists participating in the series were unable to attend the recording.

The conversation was about the professional practice of the artists present, about what it is like to work with different audiences and organizations. And that the outcome of their work is almost always unknown and uncertain, but that all those involved (must) take the adventure to make the project succeed. It was also about the flexibility of the visual arts and that art - fortunately - doesn't solve anything and doesn't have to.

It was about systemic changes that artists want to make insightful and about how important listening is in this, listening as a form of making.

To podcast #10

In addition to listening, you can respond to the statements we formulate for each episode. The statement accompanying the podcast:

Making is another form of listening

About the podcast
Under the title What's that doing here? BK-information brings a ten-part podcast series about artists and the social issues they deal with. In each episode, philosopher and expert on art in public space Esther Didden and a co-host discuss artists who realize their work within a social context. A context in which very different criteria apply than within the "usual" art discourse. Why do they work within that context and what does it bring to their artistry? What criteria do they have to deal with? And what does it bring to society? What does an artist add when he or she sits at a conference table?
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Podcast #10
The next and also last podcast of this series will appear on December 15, at the same time as the following BK Information. It will be a conversation with most of the artists with whom we talked about the social relevance of art earlier in this series. Together we will explore conclusions.

Would you like to be present at the recording of the latest podcast?

This was the last installment in the series What is that doing here?
Following the entire podcast series, publicist Christiaan Weijts writes for BK Information a longread in which he discussed, in his own unique way, the podcast What's that doing here? summarizes, draws conclusions and explores side paths. His article appears in BK information 2 of 2024.
What is that doing here? is made possible in part by the Mondrian Fund and the Pictoright Fund.