Formatted advertisements

Print and/or digital

These advertisements usually concern exhibitions, activities or products. Target groups are artists, people interested in art (visitors) and the art and culture sector.

The advertisements are formatted as pdf (print) and delivered to us in the correct size.

We can combine this with attention on our social media channels, e-newsletter and a banner on our website for a reasonable fee.

For information on pricing, bookings, etc., contact:

Virtùmedia B.V.
Paul Revier
030 - 202 74 26 and 06 5317 1941

Deadlines 2024

  • No. 5 - Friday, June 28, noon (publication date July 19)
  • No. 6 - Friday, Aug. 30, noon (publication date Sept. 20)
  • No. 7 - Friday, Oct. 11, noon (publication date Nov. 1)
  • No. 8 - Friday, Nov. 22, noon (publication date Dec. 13)

Advertising on our website is possible all year round.

You can also advertise in our e-newsletter. This also appears 8 times a year

Release dates: Feb. 20, April 2, May 14, June 25, Aug. 27, Oct. 8, Nov. 19, Jan. 7, 2025

