
ico Xandra Nibbeling

An art fair that is now embedded in a complete art week, in which Rotterdam art institutions, artists' initiatives, museums and individual artists participate and which spreads over some 30 locations in the city. A full program that has a lot to offer anyone who loves art.

There are many possible reasons to visit an art fair: to look at art, to buy art, to get inspiration, to stay informed, to watch people, to meet people, to be seen, to network. And so on. There are also reasons not to go there: it is crowded, often there is no daylight and the gallery owners are tired after a day or two. A disadvantage is also the greed that gets the better of you when you see so many beautiful things; this happened to me both at the coast fair itself and at the Object design fair that took place elsewhere in the city. Where this greed comes from is another discussion, but the point is that this greed strangely enough stands in the way of the unforced enjoyment of art.

I became happy and cheerful when I visited a number of studio buildings, not too far from Art Rotterdam, which were open as part of the art week and where you could enjoy art in an unforced manner. During a visit to the studios, places where artists conceive and create their work, something happens that has nothing to do with greed, but rather with wonder and admiration. So much that is made, so many ideas, so much imagination, enthusiasm, integrity and work ethic. And so much result!

That's what every visitor to this art fair and art week should do. After visiting the fair, look for the nooks and crannies that make you happy. Whereas the art and design fair is greedy and restless because of all the beauty that it offers, the visits to the studios are happy and cheerful, because it is so nice to see how an artist works and puts his or her heart and soul into his or her art. Where greed gives way to cheerfulness and satisfaction, the autonomy of artists is the working domain, of the kind that makes one think.
