
ico Angélique de Meijer

Just as the art world is choking on 'a banana' at Art Basel Miami, so is BK Information and the magazine is ready to go to the printer. It was questionable whether we would have liked to write about Maurizio Cattelaan's banana. But how do you decide what to include in a magazine like BK Information?

Do you have rules for that, asked the new editor for the sections Domestic and Abroad recently. Actually, the conclusion at the editorial office was that there are very few rules, because as soon as there are definite rules, it becomes impersonal. That may sound very vague, but it is actually very simple.

After eleven years of writing for the sections Domestic and Abroad, I am leaving the editorial staff. And fortunately - now that I am no longer one of them - I can freely express my views and vent my heart here. Because that's exactly what the editors of BK Information namely, in the heart.

Forty years ago, the creators of BK Information of the first hour, Teun Jacob and Annet Chavannes, set a firm course and it remains firmly in place: writing primarily in the interest of the artist, while retaining identity in terms of objectivity and quality.

That is exactly what it is still about. Without judgement or prejudice, without favouring anyone, solid, averse to economic motives, far away from the delusion of the day.

BK Information is made with passion and love, with the heart in the right place for the artist, by an independent editorial team that remains faithful to that principle. Then there is little need for imposed rules.
