Art Education

ico Xandra Nibbeling

The Ateliers and the Rijksakademie receive a positive recommendation with a so-called 'yes, provided', which means that the institutions are found eligible, but that the council advises the minister to attach one or more conditions to the granting of subsidies. In the advice regarding the presentation institutions, it is striking that de Appel in Amsterdam will not receive any grants. Diepenheim, Noorderlicht and Stroom also received a negative recommendation.

BAK, Basis voor Actuele Kunst has been included in the BIS for the first time (both as a presentation institution and as a post-academic institution). The board finds that BAK has developed an innovative plan for post-academic education by working from a committed political-social agenda and that BAK "offers an alternative guidance program compared to the traditional studio program: research and presentation of current themes are connected to each other and come about with different working forms."

In the coming Culture Plan period, postgraduate art education within the BIS will have almost 3 million euros more to spend than in the previous period. Art education and talent development are thus not only clearly on the agenda, it may also become somewhat easier to implement in the coming years. Good and accessible art education - at all conceivable levels - is important; with regard to individual artistic development and with regard to the development of a healthy and flourishing art climate in the Netherlands.

This importance of arts education was reason for us to create this (extra thick) BK Information education special, with much attention to art education in the Netherlands and - as in previous years - images of exam work by students graduating this year from one of the Dutch art academies.

Enjoy watching and reading!
