Page for cultural officials

Dear Culture Officer,

Thank you for visiting us, in response to the letter we sent you, on our website. Below we list a number of possibilities for cooperation with
BK information set out.

Here you can find more information about the trade magazine

For questions or more information, you can at any time contact us. We hope to hear from you.

Kind regards,
Xandra Nibbeling, Editor-in-Chief


BK information for your artists?

Visual artists like to be well informed about their field of work. Municipalities can play an important role in this. Would you like to give visual artists in your community the opportunity to be well informed?

Together we can create a plan

Example: in Rotterdam, artists who register new are given the opportunity to receive a free subscription to BK-informatie for a year. CBK Rotterdam takes care of the cost of this. This gesture is highly appreciated among the artists.

We take care of the organization and distribution, you make the one-time contact about this with the artists through an email or letter that we can provide for you.

Email us at quoting 'offer BK action artists' and stating the number of visual artists in your municipality, and we will then send you a proposal.

Trial issue

As a municipality, you can request a free sample issue of BK information at


Eight times a year we send out our e-newsletter with tips and news. You can register for this free of charge.

Art policy in your municipality

Information and press releases about new developments, regulations, photos of completed works in public spaces, we are very happy to receive at the editorial office.

Your information and press releases can be sent to

Looking for an artist for an art commission?

BK Information is read by more than 7,000 visual artists. That is more than half of all professional visual artists in the Netherlands. This makes
BK information the most important platform for bringing attention to a new art commission.
You provide the text and we create it for free. It is also possible to have your own designers create an advertisement.
Calls for commissions to visual artists are forwarded free of charge on our website.

For the above mentioned possibility, we have a special and favorable advertising rate. You can have a quarter page for as little as 400 euros.

More information

Frequently asked questions about
BK Information

What kind of information does BKinformation offer?

BK Information provides practical information that supports the professional practice of visual artists, including residencies, government policies, group exhibitions, commissions, etc.

How many subscribers does BK information have?

We have over 7,000 subscribers, of which 90% work as visual artists, the rest mostly work in the arts sector. We reach both novice and mid-career artists.

Does BK information also exist in English?

The paper version appears only in Dutch. Every subscriber gets full access to the website, which is also available in English.

Why does BK information have a focus on visual art in public spaces?

BK-informatie was founded in 1979 by the Chief Government Architect in order to bring commissions from the various governments for visual art in the public space to the attention of Dutch artists. In this way, almost all art commissions and calls from the national, provincial and municipal governments reached thousands of visual artists who responded to them frequently. The focus of the magazine has now broadened, but public space continues to receive our special attention.


Finally, you can of course just subscribe.

For only € 22.50 per year you receive
BK information eight times a year in the mailbox
