Statues and trees

The Scream (Icarus and Daedalus)

Linda Verkaaik

photo Juul Rameau

Ode - detail

Hester and Elsbeth Pilz

photo Mieke de Waal


Cissy van der Wel

photo Mieke de Waal


Ninette King

photo Fleur van den Berg


Mieke van den Hoeven

photo Mieke van den Hoeven

Caroline Diepstraten

Wasmoes and Ismoes

photo Caroline Diepstraten

Henk van Bennekum

Solar Harp

photo Mieke de Waal

Gonda van der Zwaag

Horn Implosion

photo Juul Rameau

Ellen Klijzing

La reine est morte, vive la reine

photo Juul Rameau

Jacqueline Bohlmeijer

Open as a State of Mind

photo Mieke de Waal

Moniek Westerman

Forest Fruit

photo Mieke de Waal

Johan Niënhuis

Burgeoning - detail

photo Juul Rameau

Martie van der Loo

Leylandii gold knight

photo Fleur van den Berg

Karen van der Molen

The Thorn

photo Juul Rameau

Sytske de Jong

Mere des Pommes

photo Mieke de Waal

Lia Koster


photo Juul Rameau

Leen Kessels

Beauty Case

photo Mieke de Waal

Ine van Son

Soft steps, stiff paths

photo Mieke de Waal

Roland de Jong

Orlando Turning Circle

photo Mieke de Waal

Jos Verschaeren


photo Mieke de Waal

Wianda Keizer


photo Mieke de Waal

Yvonne Halfens

Large heads

photo Mieke de Waal

Mieke de Waal

Plant Eater

photo Mieke de Waal

Joke Zaal

Sewer in bloom

photo Mieke de Waal

Johan Sietzema


photo Johan Sietzema

Wilma Bosland

The Gathering

photo Juul Rameau

Juul Rameau


photo Juul Rameau

Roland Art

Sky HY Fly

photo Roland Art

Gijs van Poecke

Measuring Instrument

photo Juul Rameau

Natasja van der Meer

Botanical beads

photo Fleur van den Berg

Loes Schellekens

It Starts with a Seed

photo Juul Rameau

Imke Beek

Sound of Silence

photo Mieke de Waal

Fleur van den Berg

She entered a state of fluidity

photo Fleur van den Berg

Karen Santen


photo Gerard Anderiesen

At the Gimborn National Museum of Trees in Doorn, the works of art by 35 members of the Dutch Sculptors Circle enter into a dialogue with the nature around them. There are sculptures that seem to merge with nature, as if the maker is searching for paradisiacal harmony. There are also those that, with their geometric language of form, show: this has not been grown, but made by a human being. 

And there are some that tell a story. About nature research, for example, or about biodiversity. There are sculptures that have been worked on for months in the studio. And there are artists who create their work on location, to be followed by visitors. 

The exhibition is open daily through Oct. 6, 2024. 
