• Speciale editie

    Special Edition

    Included with BK Information #2, 2021 is our special edition, a publication marking the conclusion of our anniversary project.

  • Symposium Kunst in de openbare ruimte

    Symposium Art in the public space

    A brief pre-report of the January 20 anniversary symposium. BK Information #2 will be accompanied by a "special edition" with a comprehensive report and reflection.

  • Online BK-lezing tijdens Art Rotterdam

    Online BK lecture during Art Rotterdam

    Due to the extension of the corona measures until February 9, we are forced to postpone the online lecture, this because of the link with Art Rotterdam and the possibility of visiting this fair. The lecture will now take place on Friday, July 2. The tickets for February 5 will of course remain valid. The first 80 registrants will receive...

  • Je zal maar een rotonde zijn

    You'll be a roundabout

    In each issue of BK-informatie we devote attention in an article to something that stood out during the selection of the key works or in the lectures. This time it is about works of art on a roundabout, so-called 'roundabout art'.

  • Wat doet dat hier?

    What's that doing here?

    Through the campaign #watdoetdathier we wanted to find out how art in public space in the Netherlands is experienced by the general public.

  • Symposium Kunst in de openbare ruimte

    Symposium Art in the public space

    Available online until the end of February.

  • Monumenten, twee hedendaagse voorbeelden

    Monuments, two contemporary examples

    Late last year, we called for online nominations for the list of 100 key works of postwar visual art in public spaces. That list is now here: www.sleutelwerken.nl. Within the nominations we received were remarkably many monuments. It seems to be a highly accepted and appreciated art form. This article focuses on two contemporary...

  • Eigenaarschap


    In this issue of BK-informatie we are focusing on the artwork Broken Circle/Spiral Hill by the American artist Robert Smithson (1938-1973), one of the hundred key works.

  • Herplaatsing van een kunstwerk: twee voorbeelden

    Repositioning an artwork: two examples

    This article describes two successful and very different examples of successful reinstatement of artworks in public spaces. It is notable that in both cases the artworks gained a new owner and thus a longer life.

  • #watdoetdathier


    The anniversary project Key Works continues its journey with the hashtag #whatdoesThisHere,

  • Sleutelwerken.nl


    For our anniversary project, Ingrid Fijen drove across the Netherlands to take photos of some of the 100 key works. Armed with a camera, she went in search of the art in the polder and the city, along the highway, at the police station, the train station and the traffic circle.

  • Oproep: voeg kunstwerken toe aan sleutelwerken.nl

    Call: add artworks to sleutelwerken.nl

    On Friday, March 13, we launched the website sleutelwerken.nl. The site provides an overview of 100 works of art in public space from 1945 to the present. These works have had art historical, social or spatial influence and are scattered throughout the country. The website is well visited. Now that we all have limited access to the outdoors, comes...

  • 100 Sleutelwerken na-oorlogse beeldende kunst in de openbare ruimte

    100 Key works of post-war visual art in public spaces

    Last November, the BK Information Foundation called for online nominations for a list of 100 Key Works of Post-War Visual Art in Public Space. The list is now here.

  • lijst 100 Sleutelwerken Openbare Kunst NL

    List 100 Key Works of Public Art NL

    The list of key works below has been compiled in chronological order and is the result of BK-informatie's Jubilee Project. More information can be found on this website and at www.sleutelwerken.nl.

  • Eerste sleutelwerken van naoorlogse kunst in de openbare ruimte bekend

    First key works of post-war art in public space known

    In late 2019, we put out a call among our readers for nominations for key works of visual art in public spaces. That yielded several hundred nominations. In the end, a list of 100 key works was compiled and will be announced March 13. We will announce 12 in advance: a random choice from the list of...

  • Veertig jaar BK-informatie: 100 sleutelwerken

    Forty years of BK information: 100 key works

    Which works of art in public space in the Netherlands can be called key works? We received hundreds of suggestions from you, which we will put to work. Read more about the background and the next steps here.
