• Hoe de licentie je beschermt bij onbedoeld gebruik van je werk

    How the license protects you from inadvertent use of your work

    With each text in the series rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond chooses an appropriate image made by one of its member artists that has no relation to the issues in the article. This time: Mirjam Kuitenbrouwer, binders and laptop, 2021_ 21x26_4cm - With this column, I hope to offer you a legal pick-me-up. The realization that the...

  • De overdracht van auteursrecht

    The transfer of copyright

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, takes a closer look at a legal issue that is essential to the artist's professional practice. Lawyer Jet Hootsmans tips how to turn a client's proposed transfer of copyright into a more reasonable agreement.

  • Auteursrecht na overlijden

    Copyright after death

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, takes a closer look at a legal topic that is essential to the artist's professional practice. Lawyer Jet Hootsmans explains how with a small act you can transfer your copyrights as well as your personality rights to the next of kin and...

  • Eerlijke tarieven

    Fair rates

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, takes a closer look at a legal issue that is essential to the artist's professional practice. Lawyer Jet Hootsmans notices the frequent contact about fees and offers a few tips.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI): hoe bescherm je je werk?

    Artificial intelligence (AI): how do you protect your work?

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, takes a close look at a legal topic that is essential to the artist's professional practice. In this edition, attorney Jet Hootsmans describes what you can do as an artist against AI companies that want to make use of your work.

  • Het recht op naamsvermelding bij je werk

    The right to name your work

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, takes a closer look at a legal topic that is essential to the artist's professional practice. In this edition, attorney Jet Hootsmans discusses the right to have your name mentioned with your artwork. Where and...

  • Het gebruik van werk van anderen in een eigen werk?

    Using others' work in one's own?

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, the union for artists and everyone working in the cultural and creative sector, highlights each edition a topic that is fundamental to the professional practice of the professional artist. Jet Hootsmans, a lawyer with the Kunstenbond, explains about using the work of others in your own...

  • Wat kun je doen als je opdracht wordt opgezegd?

    What can you do if your assignment is terminated?

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, the union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, each edition highlights a topic that is fundamental to the professional practice of the professional artist. Jet Hootsmans, a lawyer at the Kunstenbond, explains what the options are if your assignment is terminated mid-term and gives tips for...

  • Kunstenaar met een bijbaan?

    Artist with a side job?

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, the union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, takes a closer look at a topic that is essential to the artist's professional practice. This time Jet Hootsmans looks at the tax implications that a side job can have for an artist.

  • Is een stijl beschermd?

    Is a style protected?

    In rechtReeKs the Kunstenbond takes a closer look at a legal issue that is essential to the professional practice of the artist. This time attorney Jet Hootsmans tackles a question she received from an artist who wants to protect his drawing style.

  • Een aangetast kunstwerk, wat doe je eraan?

    A tarnished work of art, what do you do about it?

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, the union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, each edition takes a close look at a topic that is fundamental to the professional practice of the professional artist. This time Jet Hootsmans, a lawyer with the Kunstenbond, writes about personality rights: your hold when your artwork is compromised or...

  • Als je atelier plaats moet maken voor nieuwe plannen

    When your studio must make way for new plans

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, the union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, each edition takes a close look at a topic that is fundamental to the professional practice of the professional artist. This time Jet Hootsmans, a lawyer with the Kunstenbond, writes about the rights of studio space tenants. What can you...

  • Kunst in opdracht: hoe zorg je voor een eerlijke vergoeding?

    Commissioned art: how to ensure fair compensation?

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, takes a close look at a legal topic that is essential to the artist's professional practice. In this edition, lawyer Jet Hootsmans explains how to make good agreements if you work on commission as a visual artist.

  • Het gemeenschappelijke auteursrecht

    The common copyright

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, takes a close look at a legal topic that is essential to the artist's professional practice. In this edition, attorney Jet Hootsmans explains about copyright on a work that you create together with someone else....

  • Samenwerken met een galerie

    Collaborating with a gallery

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, takes a close look at a legal topic that is essential to the artist's professional practice. For this edition, attorney Jet Hootsmans delved into agreements between artists and galleries.

  • Mag de huur van je atelier zomaar worden verhoogd?

    Can the rent for your studio just be increased?

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, the union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, each edition takes a close look at a topic that is fundamental to the professional practice of the professional artist. This time Jet Hootsmans, a lawyer at the Kunstenbond and a specialist in contract law, writes about the rights of tenants of studio space. Should you...

  • Auteursrecht als redder in nood

    Copyright as a lifesaver

    In rechtReeKs, the Kunstenbond, the union for artists and everyone who works in the cultural and creative sector, each edition takes a closer look at a topic that is fundamental to the professional practice of the professional artist. This time Jet Hootsmans, a lawyer for the Kunstenbond and a specialist in intellectual property, writes about the protective effect of...
