• Meerderheid Nederlanders voorstander verduurzaming culturele sector

    Majority of Dutch support sustainability of cultural sector

    Two out of three Dutch people surveyed think the cultural sector should become more sustainable. This emerges from new research commissioned by the Boekman Foundation. The fact that people want sustainability does not mean that they immediately embrace every initiative. They mainly support measures that do not directly affect them or the cultural maker. With the Boekman Foundation's research,...

  • Nationale agenda voor kunst in gezondheidszorg

    National agenda for art in health care

    The proven effect of art on general health is still underutilized in the Netherlands, according to the white paper Arts in Health.

  • Broedplaatsenbeleid in zes grote steden

    Incubator policies in six major cities

    Bookman Extra #44

  • Kunstenbond publiceert Position Paper over AI

    Arts Association Publishes Position Paper on AI

    As a union of the creative and cultural sector, the Arts Union is actively concerned with the developments of generative AI and its impact and consequences the impact and consequences on the creative field. The organization is committed to fair and humane laws and regulations for the development of generative AI so that it does not...

  • De bevrijding van het mecenaat

    The liberation of patronage

    Patronage is on the rise in the Dutch visual arts. From a few tens to many millions, generous donors scatter money and goodies. Success stories and excesses often make the papers; a grand prize, a beloved statue, a case of tax evasion. But the larger structures of patronage as a phenomenon are almost never discussed.

  • Boekman #137: Samen werken

    Bookman #137: Working together

    The romantic idea of the artist working in seclusion still exists and captures the imagination. Think of the writer retreating to an attic room or the painter entrenched in a studio. Today's reality, however, is different. What motivates artists and creatives to work together? That question...

  • Kunst en zorg

    Art and Care

    "This fall's Bookman," issue No. 136, is about art and care. And about social artistry, care-ism and caring, according to the subtitle.

  • Rijkscultuurfondsen in de regio

    State cultural funds in the region

    In the publication Rijkscultuurfondsen in de regio, available online, the six national cultural funds, including the Mondriaan Fund, explain their current role and approach to providing access to art and culture for all Dutch people.

  • Boekman


    The Boekman Foundation has again published numerous publications in recent months, including the summer edition on the future of art and culture, the spring edition on art education, and editions of Boekman Extra on diversity in the cultural sector and on impact available online.

  • Rechtenwijzer kunst in de openbare ruimte

    Rights guide art in public spaces

    Pictoright created an online special on the rights surrounding art in public spaces.

  • De kunst van het maken

    The art of making

    How do we put making practice at the center of the cultural ecosystem? That was the central question during the symposium The Art of Making on Jan. 17, organized by Renée Steenbergen, Veem House for Performance and Platform BK. Esmee Schoutens wrote a report for Platform BK, of which we publish an abridged version.

  • Boekman #133: Onderzoek en data

    Bookman #133: Research and data

    This winter's Boekman is about research and data. What do all the data and research collected in the cultural sector tell us? Indicators such as audience reach or own income can provide a one-sided perspective on quantitative results without considering their impact on an institution's policy.

  • Publicaties Boekmanstichting

    Publications Boekman Foundation

    Founded in 1963, the Boekman Foundation is the independent knowledge center for art, culture and policy in the Netherlands. The foundation researches trends and developments in the cultural sector and cultural policy and publishes on a regular basis. Below are some recent publications.

  • Museumcijfers

    Museum figures

    In the publication Museum Figures 2021. Trends in the museum sector, the Museum Association calls on governments to enable museums to invest in a sustainable future.

  • Boekman #131: Kunstenaar en macht

    Boekman #131: Artist and power

    The theme of this summer's Boekman is "artists and power," and it deals with transgressive behavior and unequal power relations in the arts and culture sector. 

  • Zorgen om jonge kunstenaars

    Concerns about young artists

    Recently a collection of inspiration was published by the fourteen advisory councils of government and parliament, in which society and politics are called upon to ensure that current and future young generations can look forward to a hopeful future. Each advisory council highlighted a vision from its specific role, as did the Council for Culture.

  • Publicaties bij Boekmanstichting

    Publications at Boekman Foundation

    The Boekman Foundation has released a number of publications in recent times.

  • Art venues: An international perspective

    Mondrian Fund publication on government policy towards art venues in the four surrounding countries.

  • Precaire Praktijken Reader

    Precarious Practices Reader

    Reader by Platform BK on the precarity of working people in the visual arts.

  • Lokaal cultuurbeleid

    Local cultural policy

    The spring edition of Boekman (#130) is about local cultural policy, following the municipal elections earlier this year. Several articles discuss the possibilities and impossibilities of local cultural policy and the relationships between national government and municipalities and between municipalities themselves. Also discussed is research by Berenschot commissioned by the Association of Netherlands Municipalities...

  • Corona, cultuur en gemeenten

    Corona, culture and municipalities

    Research firm Berenschot compiled a digital information guide in collaboration with the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), among others: Corona, culture and municipalities part 2.

  • Grensoverschrijdend gedrag in de culturele sector

    Transgressive behavior in the cultural sector

    The third volume in the Boekman Foundation's Explorations series, which appeared in October 2021, dealt with transgressive behavior in the cultural sector. The Explorations series always highlights a topical theme from the Boekman Foundation's Knowledge Base.

  • Residencies en makerschap

    Residencies and makership

    Under the title "Place, Place and Space," Boekman Extra #28, an examination of the functions of residencies in makership by editor, programmer and literary agent Kim van Kaam, was published in November 2021.

  • Ontstaan en ontwikkeling culturele Basisinfrastructuur

    Emergence and development of Basic Cultural Infrastructure

    The Boekman Exploration 'Origins and development of the Basic Cultural Infrastructure' appeared last September and offers a brief review of the origins and establishment of the Basic Cultural Infrastructure (BIS). What subsidy criteria did successive ministers use to flesh it out? The cultural policy of Ronald Plasterk (2009-2012), Halbe Zijlstra (2013-2016), Jet Bussemaker (2017-2020) and Ingrid van Engelshoven (2021-2024)...

  • Europees rapport met aanbevelingen over arbeidsomstandigheden in de kunsten

    European report with recommendations on working conditions in the arts

    The report The Status and Working Condi- tions for Artists, Cultural and Creative Professionals is the result of a brainstorming meeting organized by Voices of Culture on April 27 and 28.

  • Geannoteerde bibliografie over duurzaamheid in de kunsten

    Annotated bibliography on sustainability in the arts

    The SHIFT Environmental Sustainability and the Arts Annotated Bibliography is a guide to key resources, literature, and inspiring examples for developing environmentally sustainable arts practices.

  • Handreiking Waarden Voor Een Nieuwe Taal

    A Guide to Values for a New Language

    A safe, inclusive and accessible language for everyone in the arts and culture sector.

  • On Affecting Change

    On Affecting Change

    About the online symposium "On Affecting Change Through Artist-in-Residencies," organized by Kunsthuis Syb and Hotel Maria Kapel together with AIR Platform NL (part of DutchCulture) in December 2020 and January 2021.

  • Gids voor financiering duurzame kunst- en cultuurprojecten

    Guide for financing sustainable art and culture projects

    The GALA Funding and Resources Guide - Second edition is the updated edition of the guide first produced in 2015 as part of the EU-funded project, Green Art Lab Alliance (GALA).

  • Effecten coronacrisis in cultuursector

    Effects of the corona crisis in the cultural sector

    The Boekman Foundation examined the consequences in 2020 of the corona crisis for organizations in the cultural and creative sector: both the damage to the organizations and self-employed people within the sector and the effects of the support measures are portrayed in the publication. In late May 2021, "Unequally affected, unequally supported. Effects of the corona crisis in...

  • Cultuur en duurzaamheid

    Culture and sustainability

    The Boekman Foundation devoted the summer issue of Boekman 127 to culture and sustainability: how can the cultural sector contribute to a greener world? "The authors in this issue of Boekman show that culture is ideally suited to make people more aware of sustainability. By making cultural buildings and organizations as environmentally friendly as possible, but also...

  • Kunst in stadsontwikkeling

    Art in urban development

    Art in urban development. Exit- reflections on the farewell of Ronald Stokkel is a publication of the municipality of Leiden.
