• Cultuur in de provinciale  akkoorden

    Culture in provincial agreements

    Platform 31 recently conducted a comprehensive analysis of provincial administrative agreements, in nine themes, one of which was culture. Below is a brief look at some of the findings on the culture theme.

  • Compensation by municipalities not sufficient

    A survey by the "Cultural and Creative Sector Task Force" early this year found that only a quarter of the municipalities surveyed had an energy compensation scheme for cultural institutions and that indexation of subsidies for the sector was, on average, quite low.

  • Impulsgelden Brabant stopt

    Impulse funds Brabant stops

    The Province of North Brabant will stop the impulse money program after 2023.

  • Support for culture lingers

    Starting this year, municipalities will receive 300 million euros in additional indexation from the cabinet to compensate social and cultural organizations for increased costs starting in 2022. However, this is hardly used yet, if at all, according to a tour of 20 large and medium-sized municipalities by the Taskforce Cultural and Creative Sector.

  • Cultuurmonitor Gelderland

    Gelderland Culture Monitor

    December 2022 saw the publication of the first edition of the Gelderland Culture Monitor. The monitor interprets the value of culture in Gelderland and shows both how the cultural sector in Gelderland is currently doing and changes over time. Furthermore, the monitor makes it possible to compare the figures of Gelderland with national figures and those...

  • Rotterdamse Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur opgeheven

    Rotterdam Council for Arts and Culture disbanded

    As of Jan. 1, 2023, the Rotterdam Council for Arts and Culture is dissolved.

  • Regionale Cultuurmonitor

    Regional Culture Monitor

    With the Regional Culture Monitor, the Boekman Foundation and Atlas Research unlock more than seventy indicators about cultural supply, participation and financial flows in the provinces. The monitor, with figures from 2019, makes it possible to compare provinces and shows where they stand out and where opportunities or challenges lie.

  • New support center for visual artists and designers in Friesland 

    As a visual artist or designer in Friesland, do you have questions about your own practice? Would you like to connect with other artists? Or are you looking for interesting workshops to develop your own practice? Recently there is a Visual Arts Support Center at Keunstwurk to help you further. It offers support based on four pillars:...

  • Cultuurmonitor Zeeland

    Zeeland Culture Monitor

    The Province of Zeeland intends to set up a multi-year monitor to chart the cultural sector in the province. A first step towards its realization is a baseline measurement in which both existing knowledge needs and available data are inventoried. The baseline measurement was carried out by the Boekman Foundation. 

  • Culture and politics in Rotterdam

    On the ups and downs of advisory body versus politics in Rotterdam

  • Corona, cultuur en gemeenten

    Corona, culture and municipalities

    Research firm Berenschot compiled a digital information guide in collaboration with the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), among others: Corona, culture and municipalities part 2.

  • Social safety in Rotterdam's cultural sector

    The Rotterdam Council for Art and Culture (RRKC) published its advice 'Unheard of Noise' in early March, calling for attention to social safety in the Rotterdam cultural field.

  • Groningen municipality extends support to cultural sector

    The Municipal Executive of Groningen decided in mid-February to once again financially support cultural institutions, entrepreneurs, self-employed persons and amateur art. With over two million euros, the second support package Culture is extended until the first half of 2022.

  • Groningen municipality extends support to cultural sector

    The Municipal Executive of Groningen decided in mid-February to once again financially support cultural institutions, entrepreneurs, self-employed persons and amateur art. With over two million euros, the second support package Culture is extended until the first half of 2022.

  • Evaluation of the realization of the Amsterdam Kunstenplan

    Some conclusions and recommendations from the report 'Evaluation Arts Plan 21-24. Creation and integrality'.

  • Herstel land art Flevoland

    Restoration land art Flevoland

    Provincial States of Flevoland makes 500,000 euros available for restoration of the four oldest landscape artworks in Flevoland: The Green Cathedral, Earth Sea, the area of the Observatory and Sea Level. The restoration work will start as soon as possible.

  • Extra impulse funds in Brabant

    The province of Brabant has increased the provincial Impulse funds on a one-time basis.

  • Support for culture in North Holland

    The province of North Holland and its municipalities support 46 cultural institutions in North Holland with over 4.4 million euros

  • A social environment as a healthy living environment

    The Council for Public Health & Society and the Chief Government Architect published an exploration in mid-July with initial building blocks to "make more space for encounter," ahead of a policy recommendation later this year.

  • Covenants on urban cultural regions

    In the run-up to the cultural period 2021-2024, fifteen urban regions were formed on the initiative of cities and provinces. They drew up profiles about their ambitions for cultural policy in their own region. The minister used these profiles in shaping cultural policy for the 2021-2024 period. The cooperation for the period 2021-2024 is fixed-...

  • Impulse money North Brabant

    The Province of Noord-Brabant is supporting 24 cultural initiatives from Brabant with a total of just under € 9.7 million. The funding comes from the impulse funding programme with which the province encourages initiatives to boost the sustainable development of Brabant's cultural system.

  • adviesplatform voor kunstinstellingen

    advisory platform for art institutions

    Amsterdamse Kunstraad and AFK launch financial advice platform for art institutions.

  • Covenants with urban cultural regions

    The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) has concluded covenants with 14 urban culture regions and Landsdeel Oost. The covenants contain agreements between OCW and the regions about joint policy priorities for the period 2021-2024. The national, provincial and municipal governments are jointly responsible for the cultural infrastructure in the Netherlands.

  • Ondersteuning voor makers in enkele gemeenten

    Support for creators in some municipalities

    In several Dutch municipalities corona measures have been taken to specifically support professional makers. We collected some examples.

  • Rotterdamse advies over corona & cultuur

    Rotterdam advice on corona & culture

    The Rotterdam Council for Art and Culture (RRKC) issued an advisory report to the Municipal Executive and the Rotterdam cultural sector on Feb. 9 on the long- and short-term changes and interventions needed for the Rotterdam sector to emerge stronger from the corona crisis.

  • Cutbacks on culture in Brabant

    At the beginning of February it became known that the announced budget cuts in the cultural sector in Brabant can count on a majority in the Provincial Council of North Brabant.

  • Municipal art and culture advice

    Last spring, many municipalities and provinces published the opinions for the four-year arts and culture plans (2021-2024). We pay attention to some municipalities and provinces, especially that part that concerns visual arts. Previous editions featured Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam and Groningen. This time Utrecht and...

  • BNG Heritage Award

    Since 2010, on the initiative of the Heritage Platform of Kunsten '92, a national prize has been awarded to the municipality with the best heritage policy: the BNG Bank Erfgoedprijs. The prize is an incentive for excellent heritage policy. The municipality of Noordenveld won the prize this year and received a cash prize of €25,000. The jury examined how the nominees...

  • Support for Brabant art

    Nineteen cultural institutions from Brabant will receive support from Noord-Brabant from the funds earmarked for Coronasteun. A total of 1.3 million euros in provincial subsidy will be given.

  • North Holland invests in culture

    The province of North Holland announced at the beginning of October that it was making 100 million euros available to mitigate the economic and social effects of the corona crisis. Part of this will go to the cultural sector.

  • Municipal art and culture advice

    In many municipalities the recommendations for the four-year art and culture plans were published last spring (2021-2024). In this and upcoming editions of BK-informatie, we will be describing the part of several municipalities that relates to visual art institutions. In the previous edition, we discussed Rotterdam and The Hague; this time we are discussing Amsterdam and Groningen.

  • De staat van cultuur in Noord-Brabant

    The state of culture in North Brabant

    Value of Culture 2020 was published in mid-June. The monitor uses facts and figures to describe current trends and developments in Brabant's cultural sector and is the follow-up to Value of Culture 2018.
