• Beeldende Kunst in cijfers: Collectieve Selfie #4

    Visual Arts in Figures: Collective Selfie #4

    The fourth edition of the Collective Selfie was recently published. With the Selfies, Beeldende Kunst Nederland (BKNL) makes figures and data on visual art in the Netherlands visible.

  • Minimale meerkosten Fair Practice Code

    Minimal additional costs Fair Practice Code

    The minimum additional cost of the Fair Practice Code (see BK Information 2018 No. 04) totals €25.4 million (wage level 2021).

  • Evaluatie Raad voor Cultuur 2013-2018

    Evaluation Council for Culture 2013-2018

    Research firm Berenschot examined the functioning of the Council for Culture in the period 2013-2018. The Council for Culture is the statutory advisory body of government and parliament in the field of art, culture, heritage and media. The council is independent and provides solicited and unsolicited advice on current policy issues and subsidy applications. The council is legally bound to...

  • Vrouwen ondervertegenwoordigd in kunst en cultuur

    Women underrepresented in arts and culture

    Only 13% of the works on display in Dutch museums were made by women. This is the conclusion of the study The Position of Women Artists in Four Art Disciplines in The Netherlands, commissioned by Mama Cash and conducted by Astrid Kerchman and Pauline Salet. The position of women in other disciplines could also be improved.

  • Cultuur in nieuwe college-akkoorden

    Culture in new college agreements

    At the end of October, LKCA - National Knowledge Institute for Cultural Education Amateur Art - published the results of a study on the importance given to culture in the coalition agreements of 26 small, 17 medium and 7 large municipalities.

  • Museumcijfers 2017

    Museum figures 2017

    On Oct. 2, the Museum Association announced its 2017 museum figures. The association conducts annual surveys of trends among its 435 member museums.

  • Waarde van cultuur

    Value of culture

    The publication Value of Culture, published on June 18, 2018, lists results of research on the Brabant cultural sector.

  • Guideline artist's fees works

    The number of museums and institutions honoring artists has doubled in a year. This is evident from research commissioned by BKNL (Beeldende Kunst Nederland).

  • Cultuurverkenning Rotterdam 2017 en rapport RRKC

    Rotterdam cultural exploration 2017 and RRKC report

    The Rotterdam Culture Outlook 2017, published early this year, looks back on the first year of the Culture Plan 2017-2020, but also on the Culture Plan period 2013-2016. The Rotterdam Council for Art and Culture (RRKC) also presented the report Dare to choose, toward a dynamic Rotterdam arts and culture policy, giving a number of recommendations to the...

  • Collectieve selfie 3. Nog beter zicht op beeldende kunst in Nederland

    Collective selfie 3. An even better view of visual art in the Netherlands

    The Collective selfie 3 - an initiative of Beeldende Kunst Nederland (BKNL) - shows what is available in terms of figures and data on visual art in the Netherlands. It is a representation of existing research and aims to provide insight into information that is already available to enable informed analysis....

  • Support structure of the cultural sector

    In mid-February, the results were announced of a study into the support structure of the cultural sector. This research was conducted in 2017 by Berenschot on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

  • Recent lezersonderzoek BK-informatie

    Recent reader research BK-information

    This year BK-informatie is celebrating its 40th year. We thought that this was an appropriate time to conduct research among our subscribers. What do they think of BK-informatie, what are their needs, what do they want to retain and what do they want to change?

  • Onderzoek internationale bijdragen Mondriaan Fonds

    Research international contributions Mondriaan Fund

    The Mondriaan Fund commissioned a study of the effects of the Contribution Presentation Abroad and the Contribution Art Fairs for the period 2013-2016. Both contributions stimulate the international mobility of visual artists. Most applicants who received one of the contributions indicate that this made it easier for Dutch artists in the...

  • Top 100 art collectors in the Netherlands

    For 2017, too, a Top 100 has been compiled with the most important Dutch art collectors. Compared to the previous edition, the latest listing has only 14 adjustments. The list includes the 100 most important living Dutch art collectors with a collection consisting of many hundreds of works on average and a value of at least €600,000.

  • Glazen plafond in de kunstmarkt

    Glass ceiling in the art market

    The research Glass Ceilings in the Art Market, the largest empirical study ever conducted in the field of gender discrimination in the cultural sector, shows that the art market has a glass ceiling for female visual artists.

  • De Staat van Cultuur 3: Cultuurindex Nederland 2005-2015

    The State of Culture 3: Cultural Index of the Netherlands 2005-2015

    At the end of last year the Boekman Foundation, the independent knowledge centre for art, culture and policy in the Netherlands, presented De Staat van Cultuur 3, the third edition of the Cultuurindex Nederland with figures for 2005-2015.

  • Monitor Kunstenaars en afgestudeerden aan creatieve opleidingen

    Monitor on artists and creative training graduates

    On November 3, 2017, the Artist Monitor and graduates from creative training programs 2017 was published. The monitor is about graduates from creative training programs in secondary and higher vocational education (1994-2014) together with their position on the labor market (2003-2015).

  • Onderzoek naar de kunstmarkt

    Researching the art market

    Commissioned by the Netherlands Gallery Association, research is regularly conducted on the art market in the Netherlands.

  • Kunstenaars in de eerste vijf jaren na afstuderen

    Artists in the first five years after graduation

    In July of this year, the Research Center for Education and the Labor Market (ROA) of the University of Maastricht published a study on the labor market position of artist graduates and their retrospective view of the education they received in the first five to six years after graduating from a college art program.

  • Blauwe Golven: waardestelling toont belang behoud uniek kunstwerk aan

    Blue Waves: value assessment shows importance of preserving unique artwork

    Recently discussion arose about the encroachment of Peter Struycken's artwork Blue Waves on Arnhem's Roermondsplein (1974-1977). The environmental artwork would have to partially make way for a park.

  • Sociaal-economische positie Vlaamse kunstenaars

    Socio-economic position of Flemish artists

    The Flemish arts labor market is characterized by a high degree of project-based work. Although artists spend (just) more than half of their time on artistic work, less than half of their income comes from those activities. Teaching is an important source of income for many professional artists.

  • Europees onderzoek naar culturele arbeidsmarkt

    European research on cultural labor market

    Last summer, Eurostat ("Your key to European statistics") published the third edition of Culture Statistics. Culture Statistics 2016 provides insight into European cultural statistics and analyzes, among other things, the labor market, participation, digitization and international trade in the cultural sector.

  • Onderzoek naar contractproces tussen kunstenaars en instellingen

    Research on contract process between artists and institutions

    Artist fees are often a balancing item in the budget for both artists and art institutions.

  • Archief voor de Toekomst

    Archive for the Future

    An e-publication, published by the brabants kenniscentrum kunst en cultuur (bkkc), on the preservation and management of artists' estates has been published at Archives for the Future.

  • Online kunst kopen op komst

    Online art buying coming up

    Research on buying behavior among art buyers.

  • Quick scan BIS instellingen

    Quick scan of BIS institutions

    OCW commissioned a quick scan of the financial position of basic infrastructure (BIS) institutions in 2014.

  • Cultuurbezuinigingen provincies

    Culture cuts provinces

    Counties cut an average of 40 percent from arts.

  • Top 100 kunstverzamelaars

    Top 100 art collectors

    For the second time, a list of the most important Dutch art collectors has been compiled. This Top 100 was compiled under the responsibility of the National Art Platform by Stichting Kunstweek and includes the hundred most important living Dutch art collectors with a collection averaging many hundreds of works and a value of at least half a million euros. In...

  • Cultuurfondsen

    Cultural Funds

    Cultural funds review committee report 2014

  • Architectural debate in Delft

    Who takes responsibility for public values, at a time when public-private relationships are changing so much? This question was the focus of a debate Feb. 13 at TU Delft, at the Faculty of Architecture. A retreating government is also noticeable in architecture, even more so than in the visual arts.

  • Monitor Kunstenaars en afgestudeerden

    Monitor Artists and Graduates

    Research on the position of artists in the labor market.

  • Ministerie van OCW brengt cultuur in beeld

    Ministry of OCW brings culture into focus

    On December 1, 2014, Minister Bussemaker (OCW) sent the publication Culture in Focus 2014 to the House of Representatives.
