• Vytautas Kumža wint Sybren Hellinga Kunstprijs 2019

    Vytautas Kumža wins Sybren Hellinga Art Prize 2019

    On Sunday, November 3, the 8th Sybren Hellinga Art Prize was awarded to visual artist Vytautas Kumža.

  • Museumcijfers 2018

    Museum figures 2018

    Visitor numbers at Dutch museums increased by 1 million visits to 32 million in 2018. This means that museum visits have grown by 37% since 2013.

  • Paradisodebat: Geef kunst de ruimte

    Paradiso debate: give art space

    On 25 August 2019, the annual Paradiso Debate took place, this time at the Internatonal Theatre Amsterdam. For Kunsten '92, Sandra Jongenelen wrote the report below. On the Kunsten '92 website you will find additional video recordings of the various speakers during the debate.

  • Provincie en cultuur

    Province and culture

    Leading up to this year's provincial council elections, political parties in the provinces received a flyer last fall with eight points to include culture in their party's election manifesto and, ultimately, perhaps a place in the college agreement.

  • Rapport Visitatiecommissie Cultuurfondsen

    Cultural Funds Review Committee Report

    By order of the Minister of OCW, the six national public culture funds were inspected in 2018. A committee evaluated the policy and daily practice of the six national public culture funds. The committee's overall assessment is positive. In addition, the report includes recommendations for improvements.

  • Arbeidsvoorwaarden freelance curatoren

    Terms of employment for freelance trustees

    A working group of freelance curators is active within Platform BK; a collective established by and for freelance curators in the Netherlands.

  • Paradisolezing: Fair Practice Code

    Paradise Lecture: Fair Practice Code

    The annual Paradiso Lecture organized by Kunsten '92, this year on August 26, was about the Fair Practice Code. This was initiated by young artists and creatives (under the coordination of Kunsten '92), to improve working conditions and future prospects in the cultural and creative sector.

  • Platform Makers

    Platform Makers

    In the arts and culture sector, there is currently a lot of talk about skewed labor relations and the poor income position of artists. Copyright (author's right and neighbouring right) is also important for creators in this context.

  • Dutch cultural exports

    Buitengaats maps data on Dutch cultural exports. In 2017, more than 15,000 activities by Dutch creators and organizations were registered across borders, including performances, exhibitions, lectures, presentations and publications.

  • BK-informatie mediapartner TENT Academy Awards

    BK Information media partner TENT Academy Awards

    This year BK-information is again media partner of the TENT Academy Awards, the annual competition for the best graduation films of art academies. With the TENT Academy Awards, TENT Rotterdam aims to stimulate and recognize young audiovisual talent.

  • Open data in de kunst- en cultuursector

    Open data in the arts and culture sector

    The recently released report Recommendations on Open Data in the Cultural Sector by the Language Union Digital Heritage Committee answers what the conditions are for institutions to be able to release their collections and collection data as open data so that what is digitized is optimally usable and reusable.

  • Jaarverslag 2017 Mondriaan Fonds

    Annual report 2017 Mondriaan Fund

    The Mondrian Fund's 2017 Annual Report, a beautifully designed booklet, also available as pdf also available as pdf.

  • Onderzoek internationale bijdragen Mondriaan Fonds

    Research international contributions Mondriaan Fund

    The Mondriaan Fund commissioned a study of the effects of the Contribution Presentation Abroad and the Contribution Art Fairs for the period 2013-2016. Both contributions stimulate the international mobility of visual artists. Most applicants who received one of the contributions indicate that this made it easier for Dutch artists in the...

  • De Staat van Cultuur 3: Cultuurindex Nederland 2005-2015

    The State of Culture 3: Cultural Index of the Netherlands 2005-2015

    At the end of last year the Boekman Foundation, the independent knowledge centre for art, culture and policy in the Netherlands, presented De Staat van Cultuur 3, the third edition of the Cultuurindex Nederland with figures for 2005-2015.

  • Eerste arbeidsmarktagenda

    First labor market agenda

    On November 14, 2017, Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) received the Labor Market Agenda for the Cultural and Creative Sector 2017-2023. This is the first time that joint action points have been formulated on labor market policy for the entire cultural and creative sector in the Netherlands.

  • Fair Practice Code - Version 1.0 as a starting point

    On October 3, 2017, the Fair Practice Code was presented. The Fair Practice Code, version 1.0 to be exact, is seen as the starting point of this new code.

  • Paradisodebat 2017. De Stoel van de Toekomst

    Paradise Debate 2017. The Chair of the Future

    "When we meet on important issues, when we make important decisions, us together, but also in our own companies, we always put an empty chair there. That is the chair for the people who are not here yet, for the future generations. The chair of the future." - Jan Terlouw, from his fairy tale for...

  • Kunsten ’92: Cultuur en gemeenteraadsverkiezingen

    Arts '92: Culture and municipal elections

    The programs for the March 21, 2018 municipal elections are currently being written. Kunsten '92 has therefore produced flyers, for inspiration, for municipal councillors and aldermen with the aim of including heritage and culture prominently in the election programme.

  • Facts & Figures Creative Europe Culture 2016

    DutchCulture published the publication Facts & Figures Creative Europe Culture 2016 in July of this year.

  • Blauwe Golven: waardestelling toont belang behoud uniek kunstwerk aan

    Blue Waves: value assessment shows importance of preserving unique artwork

    Recently discussion arose about the encroachment of Peter Struycken's artwork Blue Waves on Arnhem's Roermondsplein (1974-1977). The environmental artwork would have to partially make way for a park.

  • AiR for Experiment continues – bijeenkomst AiR Platform NL

    AiR for Experiment continues - meeting AiR Platform NL

    On June 22, 2017, artist-in-residence organizations met at the Tetterode complex in Amsterdam. The aim was to elaborate on About Impact and Value, a recent study by Platform BK on the position of small artist organizations working within the context of small and medium-sized cities in the Netherlands.

  • Passie Gewaardeerd

    Passion Valued

    Strengthening the labor market in the cultural and creative sector In April, the Social and Economic Council (SER) and the Council for Culture released the report Passion Valued, strengthening the labor market in the cultural and creative sector.

  • Het belang van internationale cultuur. Oproep aan kabinet

    The importance of international culture. Call to Cabinet

    On May 8, 2017, Arno Brok and Cees de Graaff, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Director of DutchCulture, respectively, called on the Cabinet to maintain an international outlook in terms of cultural policy: "A qualitatively strong art world is crucial for a creative and innovative image of the Netherlands abroad."

  • Mediapartner: TAA 2017

    Media partner: TAA 2017

    This year BK-information is again media partner of TENT's TAA awards. With these awards, TENT Rotterdam aims to stimulate and recognize young audiovisual talent. TAA has a national and international focus and shows audiovisual work by graduates of Dutch art academies and this year that of art academies from Norway.

  • Creatieve industrie draagt bij aan economisch herstel

    Creative industries contribute to economic recovery

    The creative industry sectors (like the ICT sector) are contributing substantially to the economic recovery of the Dutch economy. This is evident from the Creative Industry Monitor 2016 published this spring by IMMovator, network for the cross-media sector.

  • Stimuleringsfonds lanceert nieuw Erfgoed en Ruimte ontwerp- programma

    Incentive Fund launches new Heritage and Space design program

    With the new design program Heritage and Space, the Stimuleringsfonds voor Creatieve Industrie aims to connect past and present in a sustainable way. The program (2017-2018) gives an extra boost to cooperation between the design and heritage sectors and engages designers in current issues at the intersection of climate, energy, space and heritage.

  • Jaarverslag 2016 Mondriaan Fonds

    Annual Report 2016 Mondriaan Fund

    With the 2016 Annual Report, the Mondriaan Fund concludes both the calendar year and the 2013-2016 cultural planning period. In the Annual Report, the Fund provides accountability by comparing set goals and results; by core objective and by specific contribution.

  • Kunstenbond en Platform BK openen meldpunt

    Kunstenbond and Platform BK open hotline

    Last month Kunstenbond and Platform BK opened the 'Meldpunt atelierbeleid', a digital mailbox where artists in the Netherlands can share good and bad experiences about studio policy.

  • 200 kunstenaars ageren tegen rechts-populisme met radicale kunst

    200 artists agitate against right-wing populism with radical art

    More than two hundred renowned artists, including Anish Kapoor, Kader Attia, Olafur Eliasson, Steve McQueen, Tracey Rose, Ugo Rondinone and Defne Ayas (artistic director Witte de With, center for contemporary art) have united in the collective Hands Off Our Revolution.

  • Top 100 kunstverzamelaars

    Top 100 art collectors

    A list of the hundred most important living Dutch art collectors was also compiled in 2017. The collectors included in the list have a collection consisting on average of many hundreds of works and a value of at least 600,000 euros.

  • Richtlijn Kunstenaarshonoraria beeldende kunst

    Guideline Artist's fees visual arts

    As of January 1, 2017, the artist fees guideline was introduced in the Netherlands, an initiative of BKNL (Beeldende Kunst Nederland). The guideline applies to exhibitions without a sales purpose and aims to professionalize the contract practice between art institutions and artists.

  • Ondernemerssubsidies voor beeldend kunstenaars

    Entrepreneurial grants for visual artists

    Commissioned by the consultation platform Beeldende Kunst Nederland (BKNL), an inventory was made of the financing schemes offered by the government for entrepreneurs, and under what conditions these schemes are suitable for independent visual artists. Both grants and loans and credit arrangements were reviewed. The comprehensive report is available free of charge through the BKNL website.
