• Federatie Beeldrechten

    Image Rights Federation

    Copyright organization Pictoright, together with a number of professional organizations, established the Federation of Image Rights.

  • Debat coronasteun voor cultuur

    Debate coronasteun for culture

    On September 28, the House of Representatives debated the coronas grant for culture.

  • paradisodebat

    paradise debate

    On August 29th the annual Paradiso Debate took place in Amsterdam, bringing together artists, policy makers, politicians and the public. The theme for this edition was: recovery, innovation and the cultural and creative sector.

  • Recente toekenningen Mondriaan Fonds

    Recent Allocations Mondriaan Fund

    In the past few months the Mondriaan Fund has announced many new grants. Below we list some of them.

  • Inkomstenderving culturele en creatieve sector

    Loss of income in the cultural and creative sector

    Based on research, the Cultural and Creative Sector Taskforce expects venues and presentation institutions to have about 40% audience revenue from that in the same period in 2019. For museums, it will be 50%, for cinemas 65%.

  • Navigeren met de Fair Practice Code

    Navigating with the Fair Practice Code

    Publication with a lot of information on the use of the Fair Practice Code and experiences from practice.

  • Coronacompensatie voor kunstenaars en curatoren: tot 16 augustus

    Corona compensation for artists and curators: until 16 August

    The Mondriaan Fund offers a corona bridge. Deadline 16 August.

  • Kunsten ’92: Cultuur en Corona, een jaar later

    Kunsten '92: Culture and Corona, one year later

    In March 2021, Kunsten '92 published Culture and Corona, one year on, outlining how within the arts, the creative industries, the visual arts, the performing arts and the film/av industry, there are major differences in terms of the impact of the corona crisis. The various analyses show that the biggest victims of the crisis were the...

  • Nationaal museumonderzoek

    National museum research

    This year, the annual National Museum Survey of the Museum Association zoomed in on the consequences of the corona crisis.

  • Labour market cultural and creative sector 2010-2020 

    On April 30, at the request of the Ministry of OCW, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) published figures on the number of people employed - both employees and independent entrepreneurs - and the number of jobs in the cultural and creative sector. In addition, they were asked to provide insight into the number and share of entrepreneurs in...

  • Richtlijn Appropriation Art 

    Directive Appropriation Art 

    Sometimes image makers have copyright disputes with each other. This often concerns the use of one creator's work in another's work. Under the Copyright Act, this is in principle not allowed, unless an exception applies. However, the boundaries of such exceptions are not always clear. 

  • Enquête Creatieve Coalitie

    Survey Creative Coalition

    A recent survey of members of Platform BK and the Creative Coalition (2,400 respondents) shows that over two-thirds of those working in the cultural sector are in great (financial) need. The Creative Coalition - a collaboration of 45 organizations and more than 50,000 creators with the goal of contributing to "improving...

  • Bijdragen 2020 Mondriaan Fonds

    Contributions 2020 Mondriaan Fund

    In the past year, the Mondriaan Fund received 3,117 applications for contributions, according to the fund's 2020 Annual Report. Of these, 1,834 were honored for a combined amount of over €71 million. The Annual Report contains a detailed description of each funding scheme and examples of the scheme. Also, among other things, experiences of artists....

  • New Creative Deal

    New Creative Deal

    On 2 March Kunsten '92 and the Federatie Creatieve Industrie launched a plan for the recovery and renewal of the cultural and creative sector: the New Creative Deal.

  • Toch financiering

    Still financing

    After an objection, Kunsthuis SYB received funding for two years from the Mondriaan Fund.

  • Stappenplan kunst in de openbare ruimte

    Roadmap art in public space

    In early January, the Cultural Heritage Agency (OCW) published the Roadmap for art in public spaces - a guide to management and conservation.

  • Mores.online


    As a result of an article in NRC, which startled the art world, the Mores reporting centre is now also known in the visual arts world.

  • Tweede Kamerverkiezingen 2021

    House of Representatives elections 2021

    On March 17, 2021, the House of Representatives elections will take place. That still seems far away, but of course it is coming at us at a rapid pace. A number of organizations in the cultural field realize this and that is why, as early as spring 2020, they worked on recommendations for the election programs of the political parties: all program committees received the following input...

  • Roep om financiële correctie beeldende kunstsector

    Call for financial correction visual arts sector

    De Zaak Nu, the interest association for presentation and post-academic institutions for the visual arts sent a letter on Oct. 9 - together with Kunsten '92, Platform BK and the Kunstenbond - to Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) urging a financial correction for the visual arts sub-sector - just as for the performing arts. The...

  • Culture without physical presence

    What are the digtital alternatives and how do you manage that?

  • Cultuur in Gelderland

    Culture in Gelderland

    The Province of Gelderland is committed to finding a future-proof solution to the problems caused by the coronavirus and wants to reach a common vision on a future cultural infrastructure with the municipalities of Gelderland.

  • Bijdrage voor 38 kunstpodia van Mondriaan Fonds

    Contribution to 38 art stages from Mondriaan Fund

    In an annual application round, the Mondriaan Fund granted almost 7 million euros to the programme of 38 art venues.

  • Regulation on artists' fees

    In early 2017, the artist fees guideline was introduced, a guide for institutions and artists to achieve fair practice in professional visual arts practice. To accommodate institutions, the Experimental Regulation on Artists' Fees was created. The application procedure for this regulation (which ran through the Mondriaan Fund) is now closed. The available budget of...

  • BKNL response to culture support package

    A few weeks after starting the "intelligent lockdown," the "Corona support package" for the cultural sector was announced on April 15. The consultative body for the visual arts BKNL, wrote a letter to Minister Van Engelshoven on April 20 in response explaining how the sector faces a double challenge to survive.

  • DutchCulture in tijden van Corona

    DutchCulture in times of Corona

    As international artist mobility has currently come to a halt in physical form, TransArtists faces new challenges. Artists are stranded abroad during their working period, or international future plans are indefinitely postponed. In these uncertain times, TransArtists - part of DutchCulture - keeps a finger on the pulse. The...

  • New scheme for arts venues

    The Mondriaan Fund's new Contribution Programs for Art Stages is intended for small art initiatives, collectives and visual art institutions with programs lasting one to four years. The contribution is intended for a series of activities focused on presentation, experimentation, opinion and debate with the aim of encouraging art venues to create publicly accessible visual art programs.

  • Outside the limits

    In May, the Mondriaan Fund published Buiten de Perken, its policy plan for the years 2021-2024.

  • Quotum vrouwelijke kunstenaars

    Quota of women artists

    The Volkskrant reports at the end of December 2019 that three Dutch museums have set a quota for the acquisition and presentation of art by female artists.

  • Beeldende kunst in Leidse curriculum Geneeskunde

    Visual arts in Leiden Medicine curriculum

    Leiden University Medical Center started the new subject looking is the (art of) medicine in October. The goal is to learn how to better perceive and interpret medicine with the help of art.

  • RKD digitaliseert

    RKD digitizes

    The RKD - Netherlands Institute for Art History is rapidly digitizing its image collection of 5.5 million images. In the autumn of 2020, the entire image collection will become available through an online platform for digital art history research.

  • Vytautas Kumža wint Sybren Hellinga Kunstprijs 2019

    Vytautas Kumža wins Sybren Hellinga Art Prize 2019

    On Sunday, November 3, the 8th Sybren Hellinga Art Prize was awarded to visual artist Vytautas Kumža.

  • Museumcijfers 2018

    Museum figures 2018

    Visitor numbers at Dutch museums increased by 1 million visits to 32 million in 2018. This means that museum visits have grown by 37% since 2013.
