• Succesvol ondernemen als kunstenaar

    Successful entrepreneurship as an artist

    Organizations Art is A Guaranty and Cultuur+Ondernemen organized a number of Artist Meetings, in which artists explored with experts how they could strengthen and expand their independent social and economic position. In BK Information, we provide abridged reports from each Artist Meeting that Cultuur+Ondernemen made of the meetings. This time useful information about...

  • Eerlijk Delen

    Honest Sharing

    With the #ribute Social Media campaign, the Image Rights Federation is calling on social media platforms to pay fair compensation to professional image makers for using their images without permission.

  • De kunstwereld verandert: dit zijn de trends

    The art world is changing: these are the trends

    Organizations Art is A Guaranty and Cultuur+Ondernemen organized a number of Artist Meetings, in which artists explored with experts how they could strengthen and expand their independent social and economic position. In BK Information, we provide an abridged account of each Artist Meeting from the reports Cultuur+Ondernemen made of the meetings. This time a lot of useful information...

  • Regelingen arbeidsongeschiktheid en pensioen

    Disability and pension arrangements

    Impulse schemes for self-employed people in the cultural and creative sector.

  • Kansen creëren via LinkedIn

    Creating opportunities through LinkedIn

    Organizations Art is A Guaranty and Cultuur+Ondernemen organized a series of Artist Meetings. Together with experts, artists examined how they could strengthen and expand their independent social and economic position. In BK-information over the coming period, we will provide abridged reports of each Artist Meeting made by Cultuur+Ondernemen. This time a lot of...

  • Nieuwe adviseurs Mondriaan  Fonds

    New advisors Mondrian Fund

    Forty new advisors have joined the Mondrian Fund since the beginning of this year. The entire pool of now consists of a total of ninety advisors. In the selection of advisors, the right combination of experts, regional distribution and different perspectives were taken into account in the overall composition of the pool.

  • Werken aan een blij brein?

    Working on a happy brain?

    Here's how to get the (re)wiring right. This report is based on the first meeting of the Artist Meetings 2023, a series of four sessions in which artists explore with experts how to strengthen and expand their independent social and economic position. The Artist Meetings offer reflection, insight and concrete tips for taking steps to...

  • Actieplan verduurzaming

    Sustainability action plan

    In late June, the Federation of Culture, Arts '92 and the Cultural and Creative Sector Task Force launched the Action as Culture knowledge platform with the goal of accelerating the process of sustainability in its entirety.

  • Wat te doen met uitstelgedrag?

    What to do with procrastination?

    Organizations Art is A Guaranty and Cultuur+Ondernemen organized a series of Artist Meetings. Together with experts, artists examined how they could strengthen and expand their independent social and economic position. In BK-information we always give a short account of one of the reports that Cultuur+Ondernemen made of the meetings. This time it is about procrastination.

  • Cultural and creative sector covenant

    As of July 2023, the first steps have been taken toward establishing a sectoral covenant for the cultural and creative sector.

  • Geld voor het maken van kunst

    Money for making art

    Organizations Art is A Guaranty and Cultuur+Ondernemen organized a series of Artist Meetings. Together with experts, artists examined how they could strengthen and expand their independent social and economic position. In BK-information we always give a short account of one of the reports that Cultuur+Ondernemen made of the meetings. This time it was about the successful...

  • Reactie De Zaak Nu op advies BIS 2025-2028

    Reaction The Case Now to advice BIS 2025-2028

    Last April 2, the Council for Culture published its advice on the Basic Infrastructure (BIS) 2025-2028. Every four years, at the request of the responsible minister, the council advises on the upcoming BIS. The BIS deals with (conditions for) funding of major cultural institutions, including a number of presentation and post-academic institutions for visual arts...

  • Hoe zit de kunstmarkt in elkaar?

    What is the art market like?

    Organizations Art is A Guaranty and Cultuur+Ondernemen organized a number of Artist Meetings where discussions were held on strengthening the independent position of visual artists. Together with experts, artists examined how they can strengthen and expand their independent social and economic position. In this and future editions of BK-information, we always give a short overview of the...

  • Samenwerking tussen cultuur en zorg

    Collaboration between culture and care

    The LKCA (Landelijk Kennisinstituut Cultuureducatie en Amateurkunst) recently distributed a publication on cooperation between culture, care and welfare. In a short and clear text, it explains possible dilemmas and corresponding solutions in collaborations where the differences in ways of working can sometimes be large.

  • Creative power for social issues

    Art is A Guaranty and Cultuur+Ondernemen organized a number of Artist Meetings late last year. They discussed how to strengthen the independent position of visual artists. Together with experts, artists examined how they can strengthen and expand their independent social and economic position. In this and future editions of BK-information, we always give...

  • Gallery Fair Practice Code

    Gallery Fair Practice Code

    As of July 2023, a Fair Practice Code applies to galleries applying to the Mondriaan Fund.

  • Advies: landelijk fonds voor kunst en wetenschap

    Recommendation: national fund for arts and science

    The Academy of Arts and The Young Academy recommend that the Minister of OCW establish a national fund for experimental research and projects in the field of art and science. With the fund, the Akademies want to stimulate sustainable growth of this field of activity.

  • fairPACCT


    In November 2021, Platform ACCT launched the three-year program "Improving Working Conditions and Collective Agreements" to promote collective agreements on better working conditions within various disciplines in the cultural and creative sector. The name of the program has since been renamed fairPACCT.

  • Oog voor Impuls biedt zzp’ers tijdelijke bijdrage kosten AOV

    Eye for Impulse offers self-employed workers temporary contribution to cost of AOV

    The government is keen to encourage self-employed persons or those working with a hybrid professional practice in the creative and cultural sector to take out disability insurance and has therefore released an incentive budget for a certain period.

  • Launching Fair Practice Lab

    Kunsten '92 and Platform ACCT have been developing the Fair Practice Lab over the past few months.

  • Future Materials Bank

    Future Materials Bank

    The Future Materials Bank is a materials archive that supports and promotes the transition to ecologically conscious art and design practices.

  • Inflatiecorrectie Mondriaan Fonds bij nieuwe aanvragen

    Inflation correction Mondrian Fund for new applications

    From January 1, 2023, the Mondriaan Fund will implement an inflation correction within the schemes Artist Start, Artist Basic, Artist Project, Curator Reviewer. The correction also applies to Residency, Publications and Art Media and will be implemented immediately in the new application round of these schemes. Because this correction will be included in the application forms of the...

  • Federatie Beeldrechten 

    Image Rights Federation 

    Recently, the Image Rights Federation was established.

  • Awards arts venues

    The Mondriaan Fund is contributing four million euros this year to the programs of a total of twenty-six art venues in the Netherlands, ranging from small art initiatives to organizations with extensive activity programs.

  • De staat van het mecenaat

    The state of patronage

    On April 30, Platform BK together with Framer Framed organized the symposium The State of Patronage, which discussed the developments surrounding patronage in the Netherlands. Renée Steenbergen gave an introductory lecture on the history of patronage, and the panels that followed discussed various forms of patronage, the...

  • Toekenningen Mondriaan Fonds najaar 2021

    Allocations Mondriaan Fund autumn 2021

    A total of sixty-six artists received an award from the Mondrian Fund in the fall of 2021.

  • What if the virus flares up again?

    At the invitation of the Cabinet, the Cultural and Creative Sector Task Force has outlined what the cultural and creative sector needs in order to remain safely open in case corona virus resurfaces. A long-term approach to corona includes a number of central and interrelated aspects, according to the task force. Each aspect is indispensable to...

  • Estimated revenue loss

    The Cultural and Creative Sector Taskforce asked research firm Berenschot to prepare a new estimate of the loss of income for the cultural sector for 2022.

  • Insight into income of Dutch art professionals

    What were the effects of the (evening) lockdown that went into effect on November 28, 2021? To get an idea of that, the Creative Coalition sent out a survey. The Boekman Foundation analyzed the results.

  • Kunstkoop 2022

    Art Purchase 2022

    The new list of galleries participating in KunstKoop was recently announced by the Mondriaan Fund.

  • Jaarverslag Stokroos

    Annual Report Stokroos

    Stokroos Foundation recently released its annual report.

  • Sporen slavernij en koloniale verleden in collectieregistratie

    Traces of slavery and colonial past in collection records

    In September, the RCE (Dutch National Cultural Heritage Agency) released the handbook Researching traces of slavery and the colonial past in collection records.
