• Data eindexamenexposities 2024

    Dates graduation exhibitions 2024

    All dates of the graduation exhibitions in a row.

  • Data eindexamenexposities 2023

    Dates graduation exhibitions 2023

    When are the finals at which art schools in which city?

  • Data eindexamenexpo’s 2022

    Dates final exam exhibitions 2022

    Several hundred graduating students from the various art academies in the Netherlands present their final exam work between early June and late July, after two years there are now - most likely - no restrictive coronagraphs. Every year, these graduation expos are a great way to bring the work of newly graduated artists to wide attention. Below...

  • Dates final exam exhibitions 2021 - online and offline

    Soon several hundred graduating students from the various art academies in the Netherlands will again present their final exam work, this year both online and offline. A good way to bring their work to wide attention. Below is an overview - as complete as possible - of exhibition dates of the various bachelor and master programs in the country. For...

  • Research reports KABK and WdKA

    On March 23, the research report by research firm Bezemer and Schubad into the work culture at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague was published. As a result of this report, director Marieke Schoenmakers resigned. The independent investigation was commissioned in response to reports in NRC in October 2020 about serious...

  • Final exam exhibitions 2020

    The annual graduation exhibitions of the Dutch art academies are different than usual this year because of the corona crisis. At the time BK-information No. 4 went to the printer, much surrounding how the final exam work would be presented was still unknown. Therefore, we will keep you informed as much as possible through this website and possibly in...

  • Veertig jaar veranderend kunstonderwijs

    Forty years of changing art education

    Is there a difference between the autonomous visual (undergraduate) art education of 1980 and that of 2020? Are we delivering different artists now than 40 years ago? Marie van Leeuwen worked at ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten for nearly 37 years as lecturer and principal. Last May, she retired. For BK Information, she wrote about the changes...

  • PhD in the arts

    In the coming academic year, MERIAN will launch as a space for collaborative inquiry between making and thinking.

  • Monitor Kunstenaars en afgestudeerden aan creatieve opleidingen

    Monitor on artists and creative training graduates

    On November 3, 2017, the Artist Monitor and graduates from creative training programs 2017 was published. The monitor is about graduates from creative training programs in secondary and higher vocational education (1994-2014) together with their position on the labor market (2003-2015).

  • Monitor cultuuronderwijs voortgezet onderwijs 2015

    Cultural education monitor for secondary education 2015

    At the end of last year, the 2015 Cultural Education Monitor for secondary education was published.

  • Focus op Toptalent

    Focus on Top Talent

    Progress report on the sector plan for higher professional education in the arts.

  • Progress reports Sector plan hbo art education

    The 2012-2016 Focus on Top Talent Sector Plan for higher education in the arts lists the intentions of the colleges with arts education for the 2012-2013 through 2015-2016 academic years.

  • Cultuurparticipatie moet makkelijker

    Cultural participation must be made easier

    Budget cuts in municipalities and provinces keep the door to local, subsidized facilities closed to them.

  • Kunsthogescholen leiden minder studenten op

    Art colleges educate fewer students

    Already in the first year of implementation of the Focus on Talent sector plan for art education, which the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences presented in July 2011, there were 866 fewer students enrolled in the Bachelor of Music, Autonomous Visual Arts and Design programs, among others. The full article appeared in BK Information #6, 2013
