• Hoe blijf je gemotiveerd als beeldend kunstenaar? 

    How do you stay motivated as a visual artist? 

    In our section HOW? each time we ask a question about how you, as a visual artist, might approach certain practical matters related to your professional practice. These are suggestions that may be of benefit to you. This time the question: how do you stay motivated as an independent artist? For visual artists, it is often...

  • Hoe kom je in contact met galerieën?

    How do you get in touch with galleries?

    Every creator knows it: building fame as a visual artist requires time and dedication. It is important to actively promote your work and stay in touch with your audience. Or to keep working on improving your art. Fame, by the way, is a relative term. There are plenty of examples of artists who have not...

  • Hoe vergroot je de bekendheid van je werk?

    How do you increase awareness of your work?

    In the new section HOW? each time we ask a question about how you, as a visual artist, might address certain practical issues related to your professional practice. These are suggestions that we hope you can use to your advantage. This time the question: How do you increase awareness of your work?

  • Hoe gebruik je Instagram voor je beroepspraktijk?

    How do you use Instagram for your professional practice?

    Instagram is a powerful platform for visual artists to be able to showcase (and perhaps sell) their work and thereby gain exposure. Below we list some tips to effectively showcase yourself as an artist on Instagram.

  • Hoe bouw je aan een relevant netwerk?

    How do you build a relevant network?

    Building a relevant network as a visual artist is important to furthering your career, exhibiting your work and finding opportunities. Here are some steps that can help build a good network.

  • Hoe kom je in contact met curatoren?

    How do you get in touch with trustees?

    The role of a curator in the visual art world can be very important to visual artists. A curator is responsible for organizing and curating exhibitions in art galleries, museums, and other art institutions and is concerned with, among other things, selecting works of art appropriate for an exhibition.

  • Hoe vraag je een subsidie aan?

    How do you apply for a grant?

    Applying for a grant can be a structured process, but it is important to start preparing well in advance, both in terms of content and in terms of all the regulations surrounding the project, such as organization, communication, finances, et cetera. Below are some steps that can provide guidance when putting together a grant application.
