• Funding scheme PPO (continuing professional development).

    Self-employed individuals may apply for a contribution towards professional development costs.

  • Recente toekenningen Mondriaan Fonds

    Recent Allocations Mondriaan Fund

    In the past few months the Mondriaan Fund has announced many new grants. Below we list some of them.

  • 200 million euros in loans for cultural and creative entrepreneurs

    Triodos Bank Netherlands and the European Investment Fund (EIF) offer financial support with lower interest rates or more limited collateral requirements to the cultural and creative sector.

  • Cultural loans coronasteun package extended until 1 October

    Cultuur + Ondernemen provides Culture Loans, including the Culture Opstart Loan which, since this summer, has also been available to independent artists. It concerns financing for new productions, programs, projects or products. New applications can be made until 1 October.

  • Changes to and fees for the Mondriaan Fund

    A number of minor changes to the Mondriaan Fund's financing arrangements and recent awards.

  • Additional support

    OCW reserved 15 million euros in addition to existing measures for the cultural and creative sector. The extended lockdown added 9 million euros in January to support creators directly. The Mondriaan Fund provides additional support in times of corona to artists, mediators, museums and art institutions, and the Stimulation Fund distributes 10 million euros....

  • Creative Europe

    Creative Europe

    Information about funding opportunities for culture from the European Union.

  • Gide to mobility funding in the digital arts

    Online grant guide with international exchange opportunities for digital artists and cultural professionals.

  • Pilot ZZP Pension

    Pensioenfonds Zorg & Welzijn (PFZW) is working with social partners on the ZZP Pension, making it easier for self-employed people in the cultural sector to build up a pension. The organization will start a pilot in 2022. With the ZZP Pension, self-employed people build up a collective pension just like salaried employees in the cultural sector. Self-employed and...

  • Funding schemes Mondriaan Fund

    What are the application options at the Mondriaan Fund for individual visual artists and what has been added to them in the context of the corona crisis? Let's take a look at it.

  • Municipal art and culture advice

    Last spring, many municipalities and provinces published the opinions for the four-year arts and culture plans (2021-2024). We pay attention to some municipalities and provinces, especially that part that concerns visual arts. Previous editions featured Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam and Groningen. This time Utrecht and...

  • Bijdrage voor 38 kunstpodia van Mondriaan Fonds

    Contribution to 38 art stages from Mondriaan Fund

    In an annual application round, the Mondriaan Fund granted almost 7 million euros to the programme of 38 art venues.

  • Extra rijkssubsidie twee beeldende kunstinstellingen

    Extra government subsidy for two visual art institutions

    The Council for Culture recently advised Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) to award the extra subsidy for activities aimed at reaching the public to BAK in Utrecht and Framer Framed in Amsterdam.

  • The functioning of support measures for artists

    On July 24, the Boekman Foundation published an article by Rogier Brom on the operation of support measures for artists. Below we provide an abridged version with the most important points from the article for visual artists.

  • Regulation on artists' fees

    In early 2017, the artist fees guideline was introduced, a guide for institutions and artists to achieve fair practice in professional visual arts practice. To accommodate institutions, the Experimental Regulation on Artists' Fees was created. The application procedure for this regulation (which ran through the Mondriaan Fund) is now closed. The available budget of...

  • Dertig miljoen euro voor cultuur in Friesland

    Thirty million euro for culture in Friesland

    Six museums and twenty-seven art organisations in Friesland will be receiving subsidies over the next four years to give new impetus to their cultural offerings.

  • Municipal art and culture advice

    Many municipalities published their recommendations for four-year art and culture plans in the spring (2021-2024). In this and upcoming editions of BK-informatie, we will describe the part of several municipalities that relates to visual art institutions. This time it is Rotterdam and The Hague.

  • Fund 1999

    A new fund was established within Fund Squared by Fund 1999.

  • Culture Startup Loan

    The Ministry of OCW, through Cultuur+Ondernemen, is making €30 million available for the Culture Start-up Loan.

  • New scheme for arts venues

    The Mondriaan Fund's new Contribution Programs for Art Stages is intended for small art initiatives, collectives and visual art institutions with programs lasting one to four years. The contribution is intended for a series of activities focused on presentation, experimentation, opinion and debate with the aim of encouraging art venues to create publicly accessible visual art programs.

  • Additional support from state cultural funds

    Within their existing budgets, the six national culture funds (Fonds Podiumkunsten, Mondriaan Fonds, Nederlands Letterenfonds, Filmfonds, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie and Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie) have made room for specific measures aimed at the various sectors they serve. The total amount involved is over 15 million euros, which will be deployed this year through existing...

  • Bijdragen 2019 Mondriaan Fonds

    Contributions 2019 Mondriaan Fund

    In the past year, the Mondriaan Fund received 2,554 applications for contributions, according to the fund's 2019 Annual Report. Of these, 1,222 were honored for a combined amount of more than €38 million. Below is an overview of the contributions the Mondriaan Fund awarded in 2018.

  • Quick service desk for Amsterdam artists

    The Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK), together with the City of Amsterdam, is opening a 'quick desk' for Amsterdam-based art projects that are a response to the corona crisis.

  • Kunst en cultuur in tijden van Corona

    Art and culture in times of Corona

    On this page you will find a regular update of measures and possibilities following the corona crisis for those working in arts and culture (last update: May 11).

  • Over de vele zzp’ers in de cultuursector

    About the many zzp'ers in the cultural sector

    Of all the European countries, the Netherlands has the most self-employed workers. And even more so in the cultural sector. The publication of Kunsten '92 Prijs n.o.t.k. Zzp'ers in de cultuursector discusses this trend in several articles and angles.

  • Kunstkoop voortgezet

    Art purchase continued

    After ABNAmro withdrew as a partner from the KunstKoop scheme, it looked like the scheme would disappear. The Mondriaan Fund announced early this year that a new cooperation partner for the KunstKoop has been found, namely Santander Consumer Finance Benelux.

  • Pension for the self-employed

    Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn (PFZW) is a pension fund for the self-employed.

  • Nieuwe kleine-ondernemersregeling

    New small business regulation

    The small business scheme (KOR) will change as of January 1, 2020. The choice of whether or not to participate as of January 1, 2020 must be made no later than November 20, 2019 via the Tax and Customs Administration's website.

  • Minimale meerkosten Fair Practice Code

    Minimal additional costs Fair Practice Code

    The minimum additional cost of the Fair Practice Code (see BK Information 2018 No. 04) totals €25.4 million (wage level 2021).

  • 4 miljoen euro voor culturele vernieuwing in de regio

    4 million euros for cultural innovation in the region

    In 2019 and in 2020, Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) is allocating 4 million euros to stimulate cultural innovation in the region. The amount is doubled by several urban regions to 8 million euros.

  • Bijdragen 2018 Mondriaan Fonds

    Contributions 2018 Mondriaan Fund

    The 2018 Annual Report of the Mondrian Fund was recently published. The report is available in printed form and as a pdf via the Fund's website.

  • Recente honoreringen presentatie-instellingen

    Recent honors presentation institutions

    Over 3.2 million euros was awarded to the programs of eighteen presentation institutions for contemporary visual art during the annual application round.
