• Nieuw: Voucher Kunstenaar met Kind

    New: Voucher Artist with Child

    For visual artists with care responsibilities for a child who is not yet of compulsory school age and who, for example by participating in a residency or the construction phase of an exhibition, incur additional costs to take care of their child(ren), there is the Artist with Child Voucher. The contribution is solely for additional childcare and/or additional...

  • Nieuwe regeling Samenwerking & Schaalvoordelen

    New scheme Cooperation & economies of scale

    The Collaboration & Economies of Scale scheme encourages organizations and self-employed people in the cultural and creative sector to explore the possibilities of collaboration with other organizations and self-employed people. By working together, a fair and sustainable professional practice can be realized

  • Referentiekader tarieven digitale cultuur

    Reference framework rates digital culture

    Digital creators and artists often have an interdisciplinary practice that sits between art and technology, performance and installation, and between researcher and technical producer. This complexity makes it difficult to get a handle on what are fair rewards for these creators.

  • Jaarverslag Mondriaan Fonds

    Mondrian Fund annual report

    In its Annual Report 2023, the Mondrian Fund shows its eagerness to contribute to diverse plans by artists, museums, institutions, art venues, curators and viewers.

  • Seed Grant – Stichting Stokroos

    Seed Grant - Hollyhock Foundation

    Stokroos Foundation's Seed Grant is a development grant for young emerging visual creators.

  • Fonds ZOZ

    Fund ZOZ

    Fonds ZOZ seeks and supports extraordinary stories in Dutch society. Stories that touch, chafe, connect, question the world or make you think. The focus is on projects aimed at reducing extremism, polarization and radicalization.

  • Oog voor Impuls verlengd

    Eye for Impulse extended

    The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has extended the grant for the incentive schemes of the Eye for Impulse program.

  • Geld voor het maken van kunst

    Money for making art

    Organizations Art is A Guaranty and Cultuur+Ondernemen organized a series of Artist Meetings. Together with experts, artists examined how they could strengthen and expand their independent social and economic position. In BK-information we always give a short account of one of the reports that Cultuur+Ondernemen made of the meetings. This time it was about the successful...

  • Impulsgelden Brabant stopt

    Impulse funds Brabant stops

    The Province of North Brabant will stop the impulse money program after 2023.

  • Financiering voor co-creatie

    Funding for co-creation

    As a professional artist, it is possible to apply for a grant from the Cultural Participation Fund for a participation project.

  • Tijdelijke bijdrage voor opbouw pensioen

    Temporary contribution for pension accrual

    With the "Now for Later" scheme, self-employed people can receive a temporary contribution for building up their pension provision since April 17. Zzp'ers do not build up a pension through an employer and therefore need to make their own plans for later.

  • Samenwerken met Vlaanderen

    Cooperation with Flanders

    In the arts, working internationally is a vital part of professional practice. Cooperation with Flanders is obvious, it is close by and there is no language problem.

  • Nieuwe makersregeling Noord-Brabant

    New maker scheme North Brabant

    Through a new scheme of the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund, makers from all art disciplines who live and work in North Brabant can apply to engage in an artistic project, experiment and/or creative process.

  • Inflatiecorrectie Mondriaan Fonds bij nieuwe aanvragen

    Inflation correction Mondrian Fund for new applications

    From January 1, 2023, the Mondriaan Fund will implement an inflation correction within the schemes Artist Start, Artist Basic, Artist Project, Curator Reviewer. The correction also applies to Residency, Publications and Art Media and will be implemented immediately in the new application round of these schemes. Because this correction will be included in the application forms of the...

  • Finance

    Some possibilities

  • Nieuwe subsidieregeling voor kunstenaars en kunstprofessionals

    New grant scheme for artists and arts professionals

    The Culture Moves Europe grant scheme for artists and arts professionals is a new permanent scheme of Creative Europe. 

  • Awards arts venues

    The Mondriaan Fund is contributing four million euros this year to the programs of a total of twenty-six art venues in the Netherlands, ranging from small art initiatives to organizations with extensive activity programs.

  • Steunfonds Oekraïense makers

    Support fund Ukrainian makers

    The Ukrainian Makers Support Fund has been opened. Earlier, the Cabinet announced that it would set aside one million euros this year to temporarily support artists who have fled from Ukraine and Russia to the Netherlands in carrying out their working practice. The Support Fund targets both individual makers and companies. 

  • Aanvraagperiode Cultuurleningen uit coronasteunpakket verlengd

    Application period for culture loans from coronasteun package extended

    Cultural entrepreneurs can continue to apply for the Culture Loans from the corona support package. The Culture Start-up Loan and the Culture Ability Loan are part of the support package that the Ministry of Education, Culture & Science has made available to the cultural sector as of June 2020 as part of the corona pandemic. The application period has been extended to 31...

  • Nieuwe regeling Fonds Kwadraat en Mondriaan Fonds voor websites

    New scheme by Fonds Kwadraat and Mondriaan Fund for websites

    For visual artists and photographers who want to have a new website created or have an existing website updated, the Mondriaan Fund and Fonds Kwadraat have joined forces.

  • De staat van het mecenaat

    The state of patronage

    On April 30, Platform BK together with Framer Framed organized the symposium The State of Patronage, which discussed the developments surrounding patronage in the Netherlands. Renée Steenbergen gave an introductory lecture on the history of patronage, and the panels that followed discussed various forms of patronage, the...

  • Toekenningen Mondriaan Fonds najaar 2021

    Allocations Mondriaan Fund autumn 2021

    A total of sixty-six artists received an award from the Mondrian Fund in the fall of 2021.

  • Grant for training

    As of March 1, workers and job seekers can apply for a STAP budget of up to €1,000 for training.

  • Groningen municipality extends support to cultural sector

    The Municipal Executive of Groningen decided in mid-February to once again financially support cultural institutions, entrepreneurs, self-employed persons and amateur art. With over two million euros, the second support package Culture is extended until the first half of 2022.

  • Groningen municipality extends support to cultural sector

    The Municipal Executive of Groningen decided in mid-February to once again financially support cultural institutions, entrepreneurs, self-employed persons and amateur art. With over two million euros, the second support package Culture is extended until the first half of 2022.

  • Hoe schrijf je een fonds aan?

    How do you write to a fund?

    For many creators, applying for funds is a difficult activity, while once a fund is awarded it can give a lot of freedom in the creative process. The organization Cultuur+Ondernemen devotes attention to this on its website and provides handy tips in a clear manner.

  • Awards Stimulation Fund 

    The Creative Industry Stimulation Fund awarded nineteen institutions within the creative industry a one-year grant to implement their program of activities in 2022.

  • bijdrage Voucher Internationaal

    contribution Voucher International

    New regulation Mondriaan Fund

  • Sluitingsdata Stimuleringsfonds 2022

    Closing dates Stimulus Fund 2022

    The closing dates for the 2022 Incentive Fund schemes have been announced.

  • Jaarverslag Stokroos

    Annual Report Stokroos

    Stokroos Foundation recently released its annual report.

  • Cultural Mobility Funding Guide

    Cultural Mobility Funding Guide

    Dutch Culture, in collaboration with On the Move, publishes an updated edition of their Cultural Mobility Funding Guide 2021- 2022.

  • Funding scheme PPO (continuing professional development).

    Self-employed individuals may apply for a contribution towards professional development costs.
