• Kunstenaars en arbeidsongeschiktheid 

    Artists and disability 

    Sometimes it is good to have an understanding of options around disability. Many artists omit to do so because it would be unaffordable or difficult to arrange because of the wide range of options available. Self-check Eye for Impulse recently launched an online web tool for self-employed people in the cultural and creative sector that provides insight into...

  • Verplichte AOV

    Mandatory AOV

    There has been talk of compulsory disability insurance for self-employed workers for some time. Outgoing Minister Van Gennip made public the draft bill for compulsory disability insurance for the self-employed. The core of the proposal Wet Basisverzekering Arbeidsongeschiktheid Zelfstandigen (BAZ) (Basic Disability Insurance for the Self-Employed Act) is that there will be a basic insurance with an opt-out option. The proposal in brief: - Self-employed persons will receive...

  • Voorkom beeldgebruik door AI 

    Prevent imagery use by AI 

    Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, can only exist thanks to the billions of works scraped from the Internet. These works are used to feed and train AI. Image Rights Federation warns that images from all creators showing images on the Internet may be among them. And none of those creators have given permission for...
