• Fair Practice Code 2.0

    Fair Practice Code 2.0

    At the end of January the website fairpracticecode.nl was presented. It contains the updated Fair Practice Code and the possibility of doing a quick scan to find out to what extent clients and contractors comply with the Fair Practice Code.

  • Regioprofielen en beeldende kunst

    Regional profiles and visual arts

    In her March 2018 policy letter Culture in an Open Society, Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) set the goal of providing more space for the diversity of stories, artistic expressions and a new generation of creators.

  • Het Culturele Leven

    Cultural Life

    SCP developed a new, independent model to map cultural life in the Netherlands that should make it easier to track developments in the sector. In November, SCP published The Cultural Life, "an impetus (...) to a report on cultural life."

  • Adviesaanvraag aan de Raad voor Cultuur

    Request for advice to the Council for Culture

    On December 20, 2018, Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) sent her request for advice on the cultural system for the period 2021-2024 to the Council for Culture.

  • Sectoradvies beeldende kunst. Zichtbaar van waarde

    Visual Arts Sector Opinion. Visible Value

    In late November, the Council for Culture published its sector advisory report for the visual arts Visible Value; one of ten sector advisory reports issued by the council that contains analyses of trends and developments per sector from an artistic, social and economic perspective that are linked to policy options.

  • Meer werkbeurzen voor talenten beeldende kunst

    More work grants for visual arts talents

    Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) announced on November 19 that there will be more work grants for cultural talents. Both for recent graduates and for proven talented artists.

  • Kabinet stimuleert succesvolle honorariumrichtlijn

    Cabinet encourages successful fee directive

    On Budget Day it was announced that the Mondriaan Fund will receive an annual amount of €800,000 for 2019 and 2020 to encourage art institutions to properly honor artists for exhibitions, all in response to the guideline on artist fees

  • Advies Raad voor Cultuur: Ontwerpsector

    Advice Council for Culture: Design sector

    In September, the Council for Culture published its advice for the design sector. The council concludes that the potential of the sector can be utilized much more and believes that the Ministry of OCW should take the lead in this.

  • Werkplan Raad voor Cultuur

    Work plan of the Council for Culture

    Recently, the Council for Culture published its Work Programme 2018-2019. The council's work program is updated annually and includes information on the council's position, vision and working methods, the advisory agenda for the coming period and a list of individuals associated with the council.

  • Nieuwe Europese agenda voor cultuur

    New European agenda for culture

    According to EU citizens, culture is the most important factor in creating a sense of community, yet almost a third of them do not participate in cultural activities. Greater cultural participation would bring Europeans closer together.

  • Cultuurbeleid 2021-2024. Stedelijke en regionale profielen

    Cultural Policy 2021-2024. Urban and regional profiles

    Administrators from 16 regions and Minister van Engelshoven (OCW) kicked off the administrative process for urban and regional culture profiles on June 14. The publication Cultural Policy 2021-2024.

  • Arbeidsmarktagenda, vervolg

    Labor market agenda, continued

    Kunsten '92 and the Regiegroep Arbeidsmarktagenda Culturele en Creatieve sector, which monitors the progress and coherence of the implementation of the new Labor Market Agenda for the arts and culture sector, sent a letter to Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) at the beginning of me.

  • Raad voor Cultuur: kleine en middelgrote musea in nood

    Council for Culture: small and medium-sized museums in trouble

    Many smaller museums in the region are fighting for their preservation. This is in stark contrast to the success of the major crowd-pleasers.

  • Visiebrief OCW. Cultuur in een open samenleving

    OCW vision letter. Culture in an open society

    On 12 March last, Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) presented the vision letter Culture in an open society, in which she emphasises the intrinsic value of culture and highlights its social value.

  • Support structure of the cultural sector

    In mid-February, the results were announced of a study into the support structure of the cultural sector. This research was conducted in 2017 by Berenschot on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

  • BK Lecture 2018: Joram Kraaijeveld

    Joram Kraaijeveld (Platform BK) will deliver the BK lecture on February 8, 2019 Following, you will have free admission to the Art Rotterdam art fair.

  • Advies Amsterdamse Kunstraad

    Advice from the Amsterdam Arts Council

    On November 1, the Amsterdam Arts Council presented the Cultural Investment Account, a preview of the municipal elections in March 2018.

  • Eerste arbeidsmarktagenda

    First labor market agenda

    On November 14, 2017, Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) received the Labor Market Agenda for the Cultural and Creative Sector 2017-2023. This is the first time that joint action points have been formulated on labor market policy for the entire cultural and creative sector in the Netherlands.

  • Cultuur in Beeld 2017

    Culture in Pictures 2017

    Culture in Beeld 2017, a publication of the Ministry of OCW, was published at the end of October. The publication describes a number of general developments in the subsidized and non-subsidized cultural sector.

  • Verkenning – Regionale culturele infrastructuur: RIS

    Exploration - Regional cultural infrastructure: RIS

    Regional Cultural Infrastructure: RIS In order to achieve clear policy goals, the Council for Culture advises Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW).

  • Cultuurbegroting

    Culture Budget

    On November 13, 2017, the culture budget was discussed in the House of Representatives. There, Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven (OCW) announced the structural release of extra money for presentation institutions. An additional €10 million a year will be invested in arts and culture, allowing "many cultural institutions and companies [to] continue their programming and new art forms are stimulated, which...

  • Fair Practice Code - Version 1.0 as a starting point

    On October 3, 2017, the Fair Practice Code was presented. The Fair Practice Code, version 1.0 to be exact, is seen as the starting point of this new code.

  • Raad voor Cultuur: Werkprogramma 2017-2018

    Culture Council: 2017-2018 work program

    On September 19, 2017, the Council for Culture presented the 2017-2018 Work Program. This is the advisory agenda for the period April 2017 - December 2018. In consultation with the Ministry of OCW, the council determines the main lines of its advisory agenda.

  • 2018 Europees Jaar van het Cultureel Erfgoed

    2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage

    The year 2018 has been declared the European Year of Cultural Heritage. With n the Netherlands the theme "Heritage connects, Europe inspires" attention is given to the important role heritage can play n the culturally diverse Europe. Together with a large number of heritage organizations, DutchCulture and Kunsten '92 will develop and organize a national program....

  • Visie op de Collectie Rotterdam

    Vision of the Rotterdam Collection

    The Rotterdam Council for Art and Culture (RRKC) recently issued an advisory report on the vision for the Rotterdam Collection: The Power of Imagination. It concerns a recommendation on the draft versions of Treasures of Rotterdam - Vision of the Rotterdam Collection and the Implementation Agenda for the Museum Collection and BKOR.

  • Sectoradvies Beeldende Kunst

    Visual Arts Sector Advice

    At the request of Minister Bussemaker (OCW), the Council for Culture is drawing up an advisory report on the visual arts sector in the Netherlands, in which it interprets trends and developments and links them to possible (policy) scenarios.

  • Passie Gewaardeerd

    Passion Valued

    Strengthening the labor market in the cultural and creative sector In April, the Social and Economic Council (SER) and the Council for Culture released the report Passion Valued, strengthening the labor market in the cultural and creative sector.

  • Amsterdam Arts Council advises: build on future, preserve past

    On May 10, 2017, the Amsterdam Arts Council presented the advice The city is not finished. The advice was presented to Alderman Kajsa Ollongren, portfolio holder for Art & Culture and Economy and responsible for the theme City in Balance.

  • Nieuw Rotterdams Impulsprogramma

    New Rotterdam Impulse Program

    In late April, the Rotterdam Council for Arts and Culture (RRKC) advised the Municipal Executive to establish a low-threshold impulse program for creators and new cultural initiatives to stimulate innovation in Rotterdam's cultural sector.

  • Het belang van internationale cultuur. Oproep aan kabinet

    The importance of international culture. Call to Cabinet

    On May 8, 2017, Arno Brok and Cees de Graaff, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Director of DutchCulture, respectively, called on the Cabinet to maintain an international outlook in terms of cultural policy: "A qualitatively strong art world is crucial for a creative and innovative image of the Netherlands abroad."

  • Kunsten ’92 en het nieuwe regeerakkoord

    Arts '92 and the new coalition agreement

    Kunsten '92 is holding talks with the (new) culture spokespersons in the Lower House about topics that may be addressed in the coalition agreement. They are also talking about issues that need clarity in the short term, such as structural funding for incidentally available funds for the culture note and other necessary investments.

  • OCW request for advice to Council for Culture

    Minister Bussemaker (OCW) gave the go-ahead at the end of January 2017 to explore the future of cultural policy in the Netherlands. In Agenda Culture (2015), the Council for Culture concluded that cultural policy is strongly nationally oriented and mainly focused on individual institutions and not on the cohesion of cultural facilities.
