• Cultural sector receives extra support

    On August 28, the Cabinet announced an additional 482 million euros for the cultural sector. The additional package is intended to support the inevitable transition - due to the corona crisis - in the sector in which innovation, a new way of public outreach and finding a new balance between costs,...

  • Extra rijkssubsidie twee beeldende kunstinstellingen

    Extra government subsidy for two visual art institutions

    The Council for Culture recently advised Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) to award the extra subsidy for activities aimed at reaching the public to BAK in Utrecht and Framer Framed in Amsterdam.

  • The functioning of support measures for artists

    On July 24, the Boekman Foundation published an article by Rogier Brom on the operation of support measures for artists. Below we provide an abridged version with the most important points from the article for visual artists.

  • Europa platform

    The organisations Kunsten '92, European Cultural Foundation, Culture Action Europe and Europa Nostra - together with Dutch institutions from the cultural, creative and heritage sector - have set up the Europe Platform.

  • Herstelplan voor culturele en creatieve sector

    Recovery plan for cultural and creative sector

    On 24 June the Taskforce Cultural and Creative Sector sent a letter to spokespersons and administrators in the Dutch Lower House about a possible recovery plan for the sector.

  • Culturele Basisinfrastructuur 2021-2024

    Basic cultural infrastructure 2021-2024

    Last spring the advice of the council regarding the Basic Infrastructure 2021-2024 was published.

  • Municipal art and culture advice

    Many municipalities published their recommendations for four-year art and culture plans in the spring (2021-2024). In this and upcoming editions of BK-informatie, we will describe the part of several municipalities that relates to visual art institutions. This time it is Rotterdam and The Hague.

  • Weerbare en wendbare sector

    Resilient and agile sector

    By 2020, the corona crisis is expected to cause the deepest economic recession since the 1930s. How can the cultural sector respond? The Council for Culture outlines scenarios.

  • Additional support from state cultural funds

    Within their existing budgets, the six national culture funds (Fonds Podiumkunsten, Mondriaan Fonds, Nederlands Letterenfonds, Filmfonds, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie and Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie) have made room for specific measures aimed at the various sectors they serve. The total amount involved is over 15 million euros, which will be deployed this year through existing...

  • Motions and the distribution of EUR 300 million

    On 8 May of this year, the Lower House voted on the budget and the motions submitted earlier during the Culture and Corona debate. The SP amendment - € 700 million extra for culture - was rejected. The extra budget of € 300 million was adopted.

  • Geen Stad Zonder Kunst #2

    No Town Without Art #2

    In March, the research report Geen Stad Zonder Kunst #2 (No City Without Art #2) was published, reflecting the discussions organized by Platform BK and the Kunsten-bond with, among others, artists, politicians, civil servants and studio organizations in six cities to map out the situation of studio policy in each city and to collect and share knowledge, bottlenecks and good examples.

  • Kunst en cultuur in tijden van Corona

    Art and culture in times of Corona

    On this page you will find a regular update of measures and possibilities following the corona crisis for those working in arts and culture (last update: May 11).

  • Over de vele zzp’ers in de cultuursector

    About the many zzp'ers in the cultural sector

    Of all the European countries, the Netherlands has the most self-employed workers. And even more so in the cultural sector. The publication of Kunsten '92 Prijs n.o.t.k. Zzp'ers in de cultuursector discusses this trend in several articles and angles.

  • Financial consequences Fair Practice Code

    On 19 February, Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) sent a letter to the Lower House about and accompanied by the study into the consequences of the Fair Practice Code.

  • Pension for the self-employed

    Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn (PFZW) is a pension fund for the self-employed.

  • Bouwen aan beeldende kunst

    Building on the visual arts

    Since 1951, the percentage scheme for visual art in government buildings has been a source of commissions for visual artists in the Netherlands. How does the scheme work and what position does it hold, some seventy years later, in commissioning in Dutch visual art? And are there points of interest for the future? The Atelier Rijksbouwmeester asked the Boekman Foundation to...

  • Petition: preserve the self-employed for the cultural sector

    Recently a petition was started calling for the retention of the self-employed in the cultural sector. Independence in the cultural sector makes people versatile, socially committed, creative, flexible and motivated, according to the authors of the petition.

  • Code Diversiteit & Inclusie

    Code on Diversity & Inclusion

    In early November, the new Diversity & Inclusion Code was presented, a code of conduct of, for and by the Dutch cultural and creative sector on diversity and inclusion.

  • Kunstenplan Amsterdam

    Amsterdam Kunstenplan

    On Nov. 15, Amsterdam alderman for culture Touria Meliani presented Hoofdlijnen kunst en cultuur voor de nieuwe Kunstenplanperiode 2021-2024. Together with cultural institutions and the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK), Amsterdam's College of Mayor and Aldermen wants to move toward a "strong, open and inclusive city of culture" for that period. The AFK...

  • Cultuur in Friesland 2021-2024

    Culture in Friesland 2021-2024

    With the new policy paper Nij Poadium for the period 2021- 2024, the province of Friesland is focusing on a flourishing cultural life that provides movement in Frisian society, according to a press release from the province.

  • Voortgang internationaal cultuurbeleid

    Progress on international cultural policy

    On the implementation of international cultural policy (ICB), the House of Representatives received the annual report from the Ministries of OCW and BZ in November.

  • Cultuurdebat Tweede Kamer

    Culture Debate House of Representatives

    On November 18, 2019, the Culture Budget Debate took place in the House of Representatives. The House discussed with Minister Van Engelshoven of OCW, among other things, the culture budget 2020, the regulations and criteria for the culture memorandum 2021-2024.

  • Bescherming cultureel erfgoed

    Cultural Heritage Protection

    The independent Pechtold Committee, set up by the Council for Culture, investigated whether the current statutory regulations and policy rules relating to cultural heritage are still adequate for the purpose of preserving privately owned heritage of importance to the Netherlands. The committee was also asked to make proposals for amending these regulations where necessary.

  • Nieuwe kleine-ondernemersregeling

    New small business regulation

    The small business scheme (KOR) will change as of January 1, 2020. The choice of whether or not to participate as of January 1, 2020 must be made no later than November 20, 2019 via the Tax and Customs Administration's website.

  • Paradisodebat: Geef kunst de ruimte

    Paradiso debate: give art space

    On 25 August 2019, the annual Paradiso Debate took place, this time at the Internatonal Theatre Amsterdam. For Kunsten '92, Sandra Jongenelen wrote the report below. On the Kunsten '92 website you will find additional video recordings of the various speakers during the debate.

  • Nieuw atelier- en broedplaatsenbeleid Amsterdam

    New studio and incubator policy Amsterdam

    Amsterdam's new Atelier and Incubator Policy was adopted by two motions in the Amsterdam City Council this summer.

  • National cultural policy 2021-2024: Culture for all

    Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) wants to ensure that the national cultural offerings are a good reflection of the various preferences in society and of the cultural field.

  • 4 miljoen euro voor culturele vernieuwing in de regio

    4 million euros for cultural innovation in the region

    In 2019 and in 2020, Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) is allocating 4 million euros to stimulate cultural innovation in the region. The amount is doubled by several urban regions to 8 million euros.

  • Reacties op stelseladvies Raad voor Cultuur

    Reactions to system advice Council for Culture

    Earlier we reported on the system advice Cultuur dichtbij, dicht bij cultuur from the Council for Culture. In the advice, the Council stated that the national culture system must take more account of the diverse cultural life in the Netherlands.

  • Thema’s Rotterdamse cultuuragenda

    Themes Rotterdam cultural agenda

    In early April, the RRKC (the Rotterdam Council for Art and Culture), presented the advisory report Reflections on Inclusiveness, Innovation and Interconnectivity.

  • Meer aandacht voor financiering in cultuurbeleid

    More attention to funding in cultural policy

    At the end of February 2019, the Council for Culture released its advice on financing culture. In it, we read that since the drastic cuts in 2011, the cultural sector has been constantly looking for alternative means of financing.

  • Advies Cultuurstelsel 2021-2024

    Opinion Culture System 2021-2024

    On April 11, 2019, the Council for Culture presented its advice for the culture system 2021-2024: Culture Near, Close to Culture. An advice at the request of Minister Engelshoven (OCW). In it, the council recommends a broader culture system with room for new genres and a larger audience.
