• Hoofdlijnen cultuurbeleid

    Main lines of cultural policy

    State Secretary for Culture and Media Gunay Uslu presented her recovery plan for the sector in late May. Recovery, renewal and growth are central to this plan. This year an amount of 135 million euros is available, in the following years 170 million euros extra per year for culture.

  • Investigating transgressive behavior in the cultural sector

    On June 21, the Council for Culture offered its advice on transgressive behavior in the cultural and creative sector. Transgressive behavior in the sector is a persistent and urgent problem that cannot be solved easily.

  • Culture and politics in Rotterdam

    On the ups and downs of advisory body versus politics in Rotterdam

  • What if the virus flares up again?

    At the invitation of the Cabinet, the Cultural and Creative Sector Task Force has outlined what the cultural and creative sector needs in order to remain safely open in case corona virus resurfaces. A long-term approach to corona includes a number of central and interrelated aspects, according to the task force. Each aspect is indispensable to...

  • Breng culturele basis in elke gemeente op orde

    Bring cultural foundation in order in every municipality

    In early March, the Council for Culture released "The cultural basis in order," a report with the subtitle Art, heritage and media for everyone, in every municipality, everywhere in the Netherlands. The report was released on the eve of the municipal elections on March 16 this year and contains a substantive agenda for municipal investments in culture and...

  • Herziening cultuurbestel vergt brede aanpak en meer tijd

    Revision of cultural system requires broad approach and more time

    On April 1, the Council for Culture published 'Beweging in het bestel. Verkenning op weg naar een nieuw advies over het cultuurbestel' (Movement in the cultural system. Exploration on the way to a new advice on the cultural system).

  • Cultuur in de college-akkoorden

    Culture in college agreements

    Recently we voted for the municipal council. A few weeks before the elections, Kunsten '92 (this time in cooperation with the Federation of Creative Industries) traditionally sent a guide to all municipalities to anchor culture in the council agreements.

  • Task force response to new corona measures

    Days after the announcements of the easing of the corona measures in February, which for the first time in a long time offered perspective to the cultural sector, the "Taskforce cultural and creative sector" reacted to the announced measures with a press release and a letter to the second chamber members.

  • Coalition and culture

    With the new Minister of OCW Robbert Dijkgraaf and State Secretary for Culture and Media Gunay Uslu, the final responsibility for national cultural policy remains with D66. The outlines of the cultural plans (creative and cultural sector) for the coming years are ready in the coalition agreement that was presented in mid-December 2021. 

  • Taskforce komt met openings- en herstelplan voor culturele sector

    Task force comes up with opening and recovery plan for cultural sector

    On January 19, 2022, the Taskforce Cultural and Creative Sector presented its Opening and Recovery Plan to the Cabinet and House of Representatives. The goal: a predictable and careful corona approach for audiences, creators and cultural organizations, where the policy reflex is no longer "close" but "stay open safely. 

  • Cultuurmonitor 2021

    Culture Monitor 2021

    Within the cultural sector, as a result of the corona crisis, heavy losses are being incurred, particularly affecting the self-employed in the sector. In addition, both audience reach and the frequency of cultural visits have decreased. These are some of the conclusions of the Cultural Monitor 2021 that was published at the end of last year.

  • Additional support for the cultural and creative sector, especially for self-employed workers

    Since Jan. 26, the doors of the cultural and creative sector have been open again, however there are still strict restrictions on the number of people in a venue and a mandatory closing time at 10 p.m. The cabinet is therefore coming up with an additional support of €56.5 million for specific support to the sector for...

  • Internationaal Cultuurbeleid

    International Cultural Policy

    In November, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science published the International Culture Policy 2020 report, which provides an overview of projects and results of Dutch cultural activities in the world.

  • Coalitieakkoord

    Coalition Agreement

    The coalition agreement between VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie, titled "Looking out for each other, looking forward to the future," was presented on December 15, 2021. What does it say about the cultural and creative sector?

  • Culturele Basisinfrastructuur (BIS)

    Basic Cultural Infrastructure (BIS)

    In early November, the Council for Culture advised the minister to continue the current policy of leniency until the end of the current policy period, i.e., BIS institutions will not have their grants cut at the final settlement if they achieve a smaller number of activities and/or (live) visitors than envisioned in their original plans.

  • Cultuurdebat Tweede Kamer

    Culture Debate House of Representatives

    In the run-up to the culture debate that took place on November 22, Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) sent a letter on November 16 about the status of a number of motions and commitments related to culture.

  • Evaluation of the realization of the Amsterdam Kunstenplan

    Some conclusions and recommendations from the report 'Evaluation Arts Plan 21-24. Creation and integrality'.

  • Creative Europe tijdens corona

    Creative Europe during corona

    The Covid pandemic has had a major impact on the cultural, social and economic life of the European Union in 2020. The Creative Europe 2020 monitoring report examines how Creative Europe was able to play a role for Europe's cultural and creative ecosystem in 2020.

  • Debat coronasteun voor cultuur

    Debate coronasteun for culture

    On September 28, the House of Representatives debated the coronas grant for culture.

  • Work Programme Council for Culture

    At the end of September, the Council for Culture presented its 2021-2022 work program to the House of Representatives.

  • Evaluatie Richtlijn en Experimenteer-reglement Kunstenaars-honorarium

    Evaluation Directive and Experimental
    rules for artists

    Commissioned by BKNL, Beeldende Kunst Nederland, research firm Berenschot, in consultation with BKNL's supervisory committee, delivered the Evaluation Report on the Directive and Experimentation Regulations for Artists' Fees. BKNL asked Berenschot to conduct a two-part study: of the Fee Directive and of the Experimental Regulations.

  • Weerbare cultuursector essentieel voor herstel

    Resilient cultural sector essential for recovery

    In the recovery from the corona crisis, the cultural and creative sector can play an essential role: "as a job engine, as a binding agent for society and as a source of imagination and creativity on major social issues," according to the council. To this end, however, the resilience of the sector must be strengthened. The advice of the Council for Culture "Stronger...

  • Request for advice on transgressive behaviour in the cultural sector

    In early June, outgoing Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW) asked the Council for Culture for advice on transgressive behaviour in the cultural and creative sector. The minister has asked the council to issue its recommendations in early March 2022.

  • Kunsten ’92: Cultuur en Corona, een jaar later

    Kunsten '92: Culture and Corona, one year later

    In March 2021, Kunsten '92 published Culture and Corona, one year on, outlining how within the arts, the creative industries, the visual arts, the performing arts and the film/av industry, there are major differences in terms of the impact of the corona crisis. The various analyses show that the biggest victims of the crisis were the...

  • Raad voor cultuur pleit voor flinke investering in de sector

    Council for Culture calls for substantial investment in sector

    In mid-April, the Culture Council sent a letter to informateur Tjeenk Willink in which it argued that the cultural and creative sector needs extra funding every year. The council states that the national budget for culture, heritage, media and libraries must be structurally increased by 477 million euros. An additional €83 million is needed on an incidental basis. 

  • Compensation for culture in municipalities

    The national government has made EUR 150 million available for local culture and through the municipalities for corona compensation. How is this distributed?

  • Kunst en cultuur in partijprogramma’s

    Art and culture in party programmes

    What do the party programs say about arts and culture?

  • Second Culture Support Package focuses on makers and artists

    On 16 November the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science announced the allocation of the second support package of €482 million for the cultural and creative sector. The package is intended to keep makers and artists working.

  • On the way to the day after tomorrow

    On November 16, the Council for Culture presented its advice to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science, in which it identifies a number of transition tasks and makes recommendations.

  • Knelpunten en kansen in de cultuursector

    Bottlenecks and opportunities in the cultural sector

    The crisis in the cultural sector and the strength it demonstrates reveal opportunities for a transition to a cultural and creative practice that is better suited to our times, according to the Council for Culture in a letter dated September 14 to Minister Van Engelshoven (OCW).

  • Teruggave koloniale roofkunst

    Restitution of colonial looted art

    Advisory Committee on the National Policy Framework for Colonial Collections: acknowledge injustice and show willingness to rectify it.

  • Cultural sector receives extra support

    On August 28, the Cabinet announced an additional 482 million euros for the cultural sector. The additional package is intended to support the inevitable transition - due to the corona crisis - in the sector in which innovation, a new way of public outreach and finding a new balance between costs,...
