• Reactie Kunsten ’92 op hoofdlijnenakkoord

    Response of Kunsten '92 to outline agreement

    On the night of May 15-16, the four forming political parties presented an outline agreement. Kunsten '92 responded where the proposals affecting art and culture were concerned. Below are the points of concern.

  • Bevindingen JongeMakersPlatform

    Findings YoungMakersPlatform

    The YoungMakersPlatform for the Council for Culture as the feelers to the cultural field and brings the opinions, lifeworld and practice of young creators closer.

  • Toegang tot Cultuur, op weg naar een nieuw bestel voor 2029

    Access to Culture, towards a new system for 2029

    In late January of this year, the Council for Culture presented its advisory report Access to Culture; Towards a New System in 2029. The advice came about at the request of the state secretary of culture.

  • Evaluatie functioneren Raad voor Cultuur

    Cultural Council functioning evaluation

    Once every four years, the Cultural Council is required to evaluate itself.

  • Meerkosten Fair Pay

    Additional cost Fair Pay

    In mid-November of this year, under the title Fair Pay closer, a study of the minimum incremental cost of fair pay by 2022 was published.

  • Werkprogramma Raad voor Cultuur

    Work Programme Council for Culture

    The Council for Culture envisions a subsidy system in the future that is open to new genres and disciplines to appeal to a wide audience. "The system of the future guarantees better accessibility to culture for everyone throughout the country and offers room for talent and experimentation. That system, through...

  • Kiezen voor cultuur

    Choosing culture

    Next November 22, the House of Representatives elections will take place. Most parties have drawn up a picture of their ideal arts and culture policy. Below is a brief, and where possible a visual arts-oriented, overview.

  • Prinsjesdag en kunst

    Prince's Day and art

    On Prince's Day on Sept. 19, the outgoing administration announced the Budget Memorandum, an interesting moment for the cultural and creative sector as well.

  • Val kabinet en de kunsten

    Fall cabinet and the arts

    After the fall of Cabinet Rutte IV this summer, several articles appeared about the impact it could have on the cultural and creative sector. On Nov. 22 of this year are the elections, followed by the cabinet formation.

  • Maatschappelijke opgaven en verdienvermogen

    Social issues and earning power

    In mid-June, 'In the spotlight. Groeipotenties voor de culturele sector door bijdragen aan maatschappelijke opgaven', a study conducted by Berenschot on behalf of the Permanent Committee OCW of the Lower House. The committee wanted to explore how the cultural and creative sector can increase its earning power with the goal of realizing a stable and...

  • Status en arbeidsomstandigheden kunstenaars

    Status and working conditions of artists

    This summer, the European Commission published a report prepared on the working conditions of artists.

  • Omgevingswet

    Environment Act

    The Environment Act regulates everything for the space in which we live and work, the new law bundles rules and makes them simpler. What does the new law mean for visual artists?

  • Verantwoordingsonderzoek OCW

    OCW accountability survey

    In May 2023, the Court of Audit published its investigation into the 2022 Annual Report and operations of the Ministry of OCW.

  • Oog voor Impuls verlengd

    Eye for Impulse extended

    The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has extended the grant for the incentive schemes of the Eye for Impulse program.

  • Cultuur natuurlijk

    Culture of course

    Sustainability and culture can strengthen each other, but a strong impetus is needed to accelerate the sustainability of the cultural sector, according to the Council for Culture in its opinion Culture Naturally, presented in mid-June.

  • Uitgangspunten Cultuursubsidies 2025-2028

    Principles Culture Grants 2025-2028

    On June 16 last year, State Secretary Uslu presented the Basic Principles for Cultural Subsidies 2025-2028. These relate to the institutions that apply for a subsidy from the state for that period and, if granted for the four-year period, will fall under the so-called Basic Infrastructure (bis). The starting points are adjusted for each subsidy period.

  • Reactie De Zaak Nu op advies BIS 2025-2028

    Reaction The Case Now to advice BIS 2025-2028

    Last April 2, the Council for Culture published its advice on the Basic Infrastructure (BIS) 2025-2028. Every four years, at the request of the responsible minister, the council advises on the upcoming BIS. The BIS deals with (conditions for) funding of major cultural institutions, including a number of presentation and post-academic institutions for visual arts...

  • Creatieve prestaties wettelijk beter beschermd

    Creative performance legally better protected

    The creative achievements of creators and performing artists will henceforth be better protected by law, Ministers Weerwind for Legal Protection and State Secretary Uslu for Culture and Media announced in late April.

  • Advies aanvraag- en beoordelingsproces BIS 2025-2028

    Recommendation application and review process BIS 2025-2028

    In early April, the Council for Culture issued its opinion on the cultural system. State Secretary Uslu had asked the council to advise on the application and assessment process of the basic cultural infrastructure in the period 2025 through 2028 (BIS 25-28). In the fall of this year, the council will adopt the assessment framework in this regard. One of the...

  • Support for culture lingers

    Starting this year, municipalities will receive 300 million euros in additional indexation from the cabinet to compensate social and cultural organizations for increased costs starting in 2022. However, this is hardly used yet, if at all, according to a tour of 20 large and medium-sized municipalities by the Taskforce Cultural and Creative Sector.

  • Beleidsdoorlichting cultuur

    Culture policy review

    In mid-December, Gunay Uslu, State Secretary of Culture and Media sent out the study Culture of and for Everyone. This (mandatory) policy review covers the time period 2001 through 2020 and deals with the component of cultural participation. We mention below a limited number of points from the study.

  • European work plan Culture 2023-2026

    The Council of the European Union approved the European Work Plan for Culture 2023-2026 at the end of November. The plan established new priorities for European cultural policy. Among other things, it was decided to strengthen the external dimension of culture and add a specific action for Ukraine to the plan.

  • Grant round 2025-2028 under same conditions

    There will be a relatively simple round of applications for state cultural grants for the period 2025-2028.

  • fairPACCT


    In November 2021, Platform ACCT launched the three-year program "Improving Working Conditions and Collective Agreements" to promote collective agreements on better working conditions within various disciplines in the cultural and creative sector. The name of the program has since been renamed fairPACCT.

  • De kracht van creativiteit

    The power of creativity

    On Nov. 4, State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) published the Multiyear Letter on Culture. In this letter, entitled The Power of Creativity, the state secretary explains how she intends to deploy 170 million euros from the coalition agreement in the coming years.

  • YoungMakersPlatform

    The Cultural Council launched the YoungMakersPlatform, a platform with 15 young creators from different disciplines in the creative field, in late October.

  • More cultural cooperation with Ukraine

    The Cabinet is making Ukraine a so-called focus country in the field of international cultural policy. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) announced this during a consultation with European culture ministers in Brussels. This status will provide more opportunities for cultural cooperation, investment and exchange.

  • Kunst en cultuur op Cariben

    Arts and culture on Caribbean

    At the end of September 2022, State Secretary Uslu of Culture and Media and the public entities of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (Dutch Caribbean) concluded a covenant in which they agreed to jointly take responsibility for the cultural infrastructure in the Dutch Caribbean. The aim is to achieve a more sustainable cultural policy and to put the basics in order. 

  • Digitalisering in de cultuursector

    Digitization in the cultural sector

    Digital transformation in the cultural sector was accelerated by the corona crisis. It is important to maintain this acceleration and embrace the positive possibilities of digitization, according to the Council for Culture.

  • Prinsjesdag en cultuur

    Prince's Day and culture

    Last September 20 was Budget Day. The day of the Million Note and the presentation of the State Budget, that is, the budget proposals of all ministries.

  • Fundamenteel naar cultuurbestel kijken

    Fundamentally looking at cultural system

    On Sept. 16, the Council for Culture released its 2022-2023 work program, which includes its planned opinions for the coming period. In it, the council states: "There is a unique opportunity to make the cultural and creative sector more resilient and agile. To do this, however, it is necessary to fundamentally and in the full breadth of...

  • Internationaal cultuurbeleid 2017 – 2020

    International cultural policy 2017 - 2020

    On March 24, 2022, Minister Hoekstra (BZ) and State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) presented the House of Representatives with the evaluation of the International Culture Policy (ICB) 2017-2020. This policy is implemented by the Dutch diplomatic missions abroad and the national cultural funds, among others. 
