Disability and pension arrangements


  • national institutions

Eye for Impulse offers impulse schemes for self-employed people in the cultural and creative sector.

The Self-assured arrangement encourages self-employed people in the cultural and creative sector to take out disability insurance. Do you not yet have a provision for disability but would like to? Then you can apply for a contribution as soon as you have taken out insurance or have joined a fund. Self-employed people who already have insurance are also eligible for this scheme.

If the application is granted, you will be reimbursed 50% of the monthly costs for a period of up to 12 months, with a maximum of 50 euros per month. To encourage self-employed people to take this step, new applications are also eligible for an incentive bonus of 120 euros.

The Now for Later scheme encourages self-employed people in the cultural and creative sector to start saving (more) for their retirement. If the application is granted you will be reimbursed 50% of the deposits in your pension provision, with a maximum of 300 euros. Did you arrange a new pension provision for yourself on or after April 1, 2023? If so, you are eligible for an incentive bonus of 120 euros to offset closing costs.

Deadline: July 1

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