New advisors Mondrian Fund


  • national institutions

At the fund, independent advisors review applications. The advisors are all experts from the field, including artists, exhibition makers, critics, art historians, museum staff and others who can appreciate the developments of visual art and cultural heritage.

The new advisors are: Afaina de Jong, Alessandra Laitempergher, Anna Tiedink, Anne Elisabeth Witsenburg, Arjen Boerstra, Claudio Ritfeld, Daniëlle Lokin. Dieke Venema, Dorothé Orczyk, Ellen ter Hofstede, Gabriel Lester, Hans Wilschut, Henny Overbeek, Iris Kensmil, Jason Hendrik Hansma, Jasper Hagenaar, Jean Bernard Koeman, Johannes Schwartz, Kevin van Braak, Lidwien van de Ven, Margriet van Klinken, Marianna van der Zwaag, Marie Civikov, Marlon Reina, Martha Jager, Martijn van Boven, Martin Brandsma, Maurice Seleky, Mirelva Berghout, Mohamed Boujarra, Petra Boonstra, Robbie Schweiger, Roos van Haaften, Sylvana Terlage, Tanja Smeets, Tom Van Veen, Vesuhely Americaan, Wendeline Flores, Willemijn van Drunen and Willum Geerts.

In principle, an advisor is appointed for a period of two years, with a possible extension of up to two more years. New advisors are added to the pool each year.

The next call for advisors will be put out by the fund in July and August.

Click here for a complete overview.
