Most artists born in Laren

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In total, data from nearly 38,000 Dutch artists born from 1500 to 2000 were analyzed.

After Laren, many artists in particular came from large cities within the Randstad. In Amsterdam, proportionally almost as many artists were born as in the Gooi locality (72 per 10,000 inhabitants). Leiden, Haarlem, The Hague and Delft also gave birth to relatively many creatives.

Most popular arts discipline varies by province

Of all Dutch artists, most are painters (29.5%), draughtsmen or illustrators (15.4%) or sculptors (11.6%). Not in every province is the distribution between disciplines equal. For example, Drenthe has proportionally the highest share of painters with 32.1%, while North Holland leads the list with the highest percentage of draftsmen and illustrators (18.8%). Flevoland stands out for its higher concentration of

of artists in modern disciplines, such as photographers (15%) and actors and performers (1.8%). In contrast, Utrecht and Friesland have a substantial number of artisans, including woodworkers, stonemasons and potters: 10.8% and 9.9%, respectively.

Men and women

For centuries, the art world was dominated by men, but this is slowly changing. Particularly in the 20th century, the influence of women in art was growing. Since the 1990s, more women (59%) than men have been active in the profession.

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