Additional cost Fair Pay

ico Xandra Nibbeling

  • policy & politics

The study shows additional costs of multi-year institutions subsidized by the state and state cultural funds. Steps have been taken in recent years to realize Fair Pay. The biggest bottlenecks appear to be in music, festivals, visual arts and creative industries, especially smaller organizations with many self-employed workers.

The additional cost of Fair Pay in the surveyed part of the sector comes to (rounded) €29.2 million (wage and price level 2022). Barely half of these additional costs consist of deficient pay and more than half of the costs of unpaid structural overtime. More than half of the additional costs relate to small organizations (with an annual turnover of less than 0.5 million euros in 2019). 59 percent (€10.6 million) of the additional costs consist of costs of self-employed workers and 41 percent (€7.3 million) of costs of salaried staff.

Interest group Kunsten '92 informs on its website that if the additional costs of 29.2 million euros, geïndexed for 2025 the costs would total at least 34.5 million euros. Kunsten 92 stresses that additional research, tools and money are needed.

Extra money OCW

The Ministry of OCW announced in mid-November that based on the aforementioned research, the State Cultural Funds, bis institutions and museums within the Heritage Act will receive an additional total of 36.4 million euros for Fair Pay. The grant ceilings of these institutions will be increased for this purpose. Earlier, State Secretary Uslu announced that extra money was available to take steps toward fair pay for people working in the cultural sector. The State Secretary calls on other governments that subsidize cultureiarun on her example.

Fine Art

To the visual arts sector goes an additional 1 million euros for the Mondrian Fund's Artist's Fees Scheme, some 2.2 million euros for institutions receiving multi-year grants through the Mondrian Fund, and about 2.3 million euros for project-based grants through the Mondrian Fund.

