How do you get in touch with galleries?

ico Xandra Nibbeling

  • How?

It is often a challenge for visual artists to connect with galleryën, but of course it is not an impossibility. Galleryën are themselves, after all, constantly looking for artists to represent. How do you go about that? Below are some steps you can follow to present yourself to galleryën.

1. Prepare your portfolio

Before contacting galleryën, have a strong portfolio of your best works. This should be a representative selection of your art, with both recent and relevant pieces.

2. Research

Identify galleryën that fit your style and art form. Look at their previous exhibitions and the artists they represent. It is important that your work fits the gallery's vision and audience.

3. Make a list

List galleryën that you find interesting and that you think would suit you. Be sure to include the names of gallery owners and contact information.

4. Send a personal introduction

Send a personal email or letter introducing yourself and your work to the gallery. Tell why you think your work is appropriate for that gallery and what you can contribute.

5. Add your portfolio

In your letter of introduction or e-mail, include a link to your online portfolio or send some images of your work. Make sure the images are high quality.

6. Follow up

After sending your introduction, give the gallery several weeks to respond. If you don't receive a response, consider sending a reminder.

7. Stay involved locally

Attend local exhibitions, gallery openings and art-related events. This can give you a chance to meet gallery owners in person and showcase your work.

8. Networking

Try to connect with other artists, gallery owners and people in the art world. Networking can lead to valuable connections and opportunities.

9. Consider a portfolio review

Some galleryën offer portfolio review sessions where artists can showcase their work to professionals. This can be a good opportunity to get feedback and connect with gallery owners.

10. Be patient and persistent

It may take some time to find a gallery that suits you. Stay patient and keep improving your work as you look for opportunities.

The process of finding a gallery willing to represent you can often be competitive. Be prepared for rejections and continue to develop your art and skills. Building relationships and consistently working on your artist careerère will ultimately increase your chances of getting in touch with galleryën.
