How do you get in touch with trustees?

ico Xandra Nibbeling

  • How?

In addition, curators often conduct research on artists, works of art and relevant themes in the art world. They work with artists, galleries, other institutions and colleagues in the art world and therefore have a lot of knowledge of and a broad network in the art world. Building contacts with curators as a visual artist can therefore be a valuable step in your careerère. Here are some ways to get in touch with trustees:

1. Exhibits

One of the most direct ways to connect with curators is to visit and participate in exhibitions. Curators often attend opening receptions and art events. This is an opportunity to engage in personal conversations.

2. Galleryën and art institutions

Visit galleryën, art centers and museums that you think are relevant to your work. Get to know curators and gallerists by visiting these venues regularly and taking an interest in their programming.

3. Online presence

Build a strong online presence through social media and a professional website. Share your artworks regularly and use relevant hashtags. Curators often use online platforms to discover new artists.

4. Art fairs and events

Attend art fairs and art-related events where curators may be present. This provides an opportunity to show your work in person and make contacts.

5. Art training and workshops

Attend art courses and workshops where curators are involved as do-centers. This offers a chance to meet them and get their feedback on your work.

6. Networking

Participate in art-related networking events and art communities. Build relationships with other art enthusiasts, gallery owners and art professionals, as they can introduce you to curators.

7. Ask for introductions

If you already have contact with other artists or professionals in the art world, ask if they can introduce you to curators with whom they work or are familiar.

8. Letter of introduction

If you want to approach a specific curator, send a professional letter of introduction briefly introducing yourself and your work. Explain why you are geïninterested in their work and why you think there is potential for collaboration.

9. Be patient and respectful

Building relationships with trustees can take time. Be patient and respectful in your approach and understand that they often have busy schedules. It is important to be au-thentic in your dealings with curators and show interest in their work and programming. Build relationships slowly and be prepared to receive feedback. It may take some time to find the right curator to work with, so remain proactive and persistent.
